BizOps. I Was Scammed! (Or Not)


 BizOps. I Was Scammed! (Or Not)

BizOps. I Was Scammed! (Or Not)

Bet you didn't see that coming.

Have you ever been hacked? I mean, for real, your personal security compromised and the consequences were more than just spam email notifications flooding your inbox? Have you ever been a victim of a scam, outfitted with date-rape drugs in your drink or lured into giving up personal information under false pretenses? Brian Krebs talks about these issues all the time. You may know him as "The Security Correspondent" and founder of the Krebs on Security blog, which focuses on computer and Internet security.

I have to admit, I didn't think you'd be interested in this post, but a few of my friends and family members emailed me and asked for a follow-up article to my post about how I was hacked. So here's the second part.

As many of you know, by now I had completed two or three hacking events at Black Hat Conference (BHC) in Las Vegas. In August 2010, I was featured on the main stage as a hacker. The talk was called "Hacking Hotels: An Insider's Look at How Hotels Can Stop Terrorist Hacking. I helped to hack the Wi-Fi into a hotel so that other hackers could see how easy it is to break into a hotel's Wi-Fi.

In March 2011, I was featured on the main stage of Defcon, not only as a hacker but also as an "Internet Activist" and "Privacy Advocate." I spoke about privacy issues, from government surveillance and how it has affected individuals' lives.

I have been on many television shows as well as radio shows such as Dr. Oz, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory (one of my favorite shows), and Let's Talk Live (NPR).


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