Black Mask Blueprint, "You have Been Lied-To And Ripped-Off For The Very Last Time!"


 Black Mask Blueprint, "You have Been Lied-To And Ripped-Off For The Very Last Time!"

The Black Mask Blueprint is a complete financial blueprint for the average American.

Every page is designed to provoke action in the reader. You will not walk away with a vague feeling of regret, but clear steps on how to leverage your existing skill set and become financially free by morning. This is The Black Mask Blueprint! A complete financial blueprint for the average American to gain control over his or her own life and family's future wellbeing. It provides everything you need, from guidance on how to start your own business, to advice on investing in stocks and bonds that best suit your risk tolerance level.

The Black Mask Blueprint is not a book of simple get-rich-quick schemes, nor money management advice. Instead, we go to the source of financial success and reveal why it is that Americans today are not just broke – but also in debt. We could say they have been robbed…but better yet they have been lied to, time and time again. It is this very deception that needs to be unmasked.

The Black Mask Blueprint takes an honest look at where the average American family has gone wrong in their financial life. We show you how to cut through the smokescreen that surrounds your money issues and come face to face with reality – then we will show you how you can get out from under it.

Our financial blueprint exposes the lies that have led to Americans being stuck in a negative growth cycle that forced them to pay more for their homes and their cars, while also spending more money on healthcare. This is not something we are going to be able to get out of quickly; it will take hard work, discipline and commitment. For this reason, we have also provided you with a series of principles you can use to follow and achieve your goals.

In short, The Black Mask Blueprint is a must-read for every American who wants a better future.

About the Author:

Jim Aharon has been teaching the practical tools of investing in stocks and bonds since 2006. First on Wall Street, then as a mentor to students in his own office. He has worked with clients in over 12 countries who want to learn how to create wealth by investing at little or no risk.

In addition, he has personally traded over 100 different stocks, bonds and options strategies to make money consistently in the markets over the last 20 years. He is not worried about market crashes or credit default swaps because he trades using specific systems that insulate him from downside risk while still allowing him to make money every time the market goes up and down.

Originally a business analyst in the computer industry, he has long since put his analytical skills to work on Wall Street. The results have been impressive.

His mission is simple – to show you how profits can be made from day one in the markets so you can retire with financial freedom.

How Our Blueprint Works:

In The Black Mask Blueprint, we want to create a clear picture of what you will need to do to get started on what is going to require some hard work and dedication. We also want our plan to make money from day one so you do not have to worry about making any more money than what we'll give you.

We will go over the following to make sure you are clear on how we might be able to help you:

The evil forces that have robbed and lied to Americans

The principles that can change your life

The simple financial blueprint that we are going to use

1. Evil Forces That Have Robbed & Lied To Americans: Most people know they have been lied to, robbed, and misled into buying a home they couldn't afford, or a college education for their kids when they knew it was just not a good idea. They were encouraged by mortgage brokers and banks continually, who were willing to take the loan application, even if the borrower clearly could not afford it.

The mortgage brokers and banks, who are managers in many cases and don't even have the money to cover their own houses, made it clear they did not care. They sometimes told people they would just have to take the house and all its obligations, but then they would tell them what a great financial opportunity they were getting by owning a home. Of course it was not their name on the mortgage or note, so it did not seem to matter what the risk turned out to be for the borrower. Now everyone knows that this was done by banks, brokerage firms and mortgage companies because there were no laws against what is called "predatory lending."

It does not stop there...

The banks, brokerages and mortgage companies themselves were not the only ones who sold junk mortgages. We have been lied to in our education system, where they told us that "there's this thing called a home equity loan and you can get it without having your credit checked!" They said it so much that we had no idea what was happening. These are exactly the terms that are used in selling a junk mortgage!

What is so important about this is that if someone did not know the truth about this process back then, he or she would have bought a house believing it was for the best, but knew the truth later on and did not understand why they could never pay back their home loans because of all of their expenses.

This is one of the biggest lies – but it is a lie that has been bought by the American people for years. How many families did this cost them?

The next lie is about medical care. Americans are being told that as long as they keep up with their medical bills, they will stay healthy and financially sound. This of course, was an outsourcing of medical costs to private insurance companies or out-of-state hospitals who took advantage of the Americans who were so desperate for health care but could not afford it.

Not only are Americans being taken advantage of by medical service providers, who often perform unnecessary operations or provide poor treatment, but they have been lied to by the pharmaceutical industry. In many cases, they have also been lied to by their own doctors.

The lies these people tell average Americans seem endless! Even when it comes to investing in the stock market, they are lied to because they do not understand what is going on. Their money is often used as collateral for low risk trades like the S&P 500 buy and hold strategy. They could have made more money than this strategy if only a simple security system had been used.

2. Principles That Can Change Your Life: Here is where we come in.

Conclusion: We have learned a lot about the lies that have been told to average Americans. Now we want to help you become aware of the lies so you can take control of your life.

Here's how you will do it:

Make sure everyone knows what is going on

Take care of yourself before taking care of anyone else

Don't fall for any scams or get taken advantage of by anyone

Keep your word and be honest in everything you do

Reward hard work, honesty and integrity in others for their success and reward failure, bad behavior and manipulation with consequences.


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