Book Printing Press In The Present Time


 Book Printing Press In The Present Time

Book printing press is long gone, but the idea of it thrives in the present time.
A man named Jim O'Connor is the author of a new book that has been published by BISAC Press. The publisher is rather small, but it only takes one person to be interested in your work for you to climb out of obscurity and make a name for yourself. Other than this being Jim's first book ever published, he has written many other novels over his lifetime and continues to do so today.
Most importantly, however, this novel was not just any fiction story; it was one based on historical facts about World War I (WWI). The author's name may not be known to all readers, but the story itself is worth reading.
It is titled: "The Book of Lost Regiments: The Australian Regiment in France, 1914-1918". This title did not only describe his book as fiction and history, but it also described the location of the book; it was about Australia's soldiers and their adventures in WWI.
O'Connor spent a lot of research time on the internet before finding some information about a regiment that he planned to write about. He found The Australian Imperial Force (AIF) regiments list online and read through the troops' stories one by one until he could pick out those that had been sent to fight in France.
From there, he got their stories and put them into a novel. Once this was done, O'Connor had to find a viable publishing company that would allow him to do what he wanted to do—publish his work.
O'Connor found BISAC Press, decided they would be able to give him what he needed, and then gave them the book to work on. He left it up to the publisher how they were going to publish his novel. He was not there at all during the process of publication or editing; this is Jim's first time working with a publishing house like this and he was excited about it.
As for the book itself, it has been well received by readers who have read it thus far. O'Connor was happy when he found this particular publisher, as they were willing to publish his work. He is overjoyed that he was able to write a novel in which the characters were based on real people (as many readers know). This is something O'Connor enjoys about writing—he does it for the characters, not for recognition.
Jim has not only published this first book, but he will be publishing another one by the end of October of this year. So make sure that you pick up your paperbacks and read The Book of Lost Regiments: The Australian Regiment in France, 1914-1918. It is a great read!
The book weighs only 8.5 ounces, the size of a paperback novel. The cover is not full color, but it is large and gives off the feeling of a professional published book. It only costs $14.99 USD.
The book is also available on Amazon as an ebook version (for those who enjoy ebooks). It can be purchased in any major bookstore such as Barnes & Noble or Books-a-Million (if it isn't sold out). If you are too busy to drive to your nearest bookstore to buy this novel, you can also order it online through direct Amazon links or by going to the publisher's website at BISAC Press .
Articles and interviews with authors are held on the publisher's website, but you can also find them on O'Connor's author page on Facebook. Or you can go to Jim's website: to find out more about him, his books, and his latest novel release.
Jim O'Connor is a man who has lived the life he writes about in his writing—life is tough, but perseverance and hope do not die off easily!
Book printing press is long gone, but the idea of it thrives in the present time. A man named Jim O'Connor is the author of a new book that has been published by BISAC Press. The publisher is rather small, but it only takes one person to be interested in your work for you to climb out of obscurity and make a name for yourself.
Other than this being Jim's first book ever published, he has written many other novels over his lifetime and continues to do so today. Most importantly, however, this novel was not just any fiction story; it was one based on historical facts about World War I (WWI). The author's name may not be known to all readers, but the story itself is worth reading.
It is titled: "The Book of Lost Regiments: The Australian Regiment in France, 1914-1918". This title did not only describe his book as fiction and history, but it also described the location of the book; it was about Australia's soldiers and their adventures in WWI.
Jim O'Connor spent a lot of research time on the internet before finding some information about a regiment that he planned to write about. He found The Australian Imperial Force (AIF) regiments list online and read through the troops' stories one by one until he could pick out those that had been sent to fight in France.
From there, he got their stories and put them into a novel. Once this was done, O'Connor had to find a viable publishing company that would allow him to do what he wanted to do—publish his work.
O'Connor found BISAC Press, decided they would be able to give him what he needed, and then gave them the book to work on. He left it up to the publisher how they were going to publish his novel. He was not there at all during the process of publication or editing; this is Jim's first time working with a publishing house like this and he was excited about it.
As for the book itself, it has been well received by readers who have read it thus far. O'Connor was happy when he found this particular publisher, as they were willing to publish his work. He is overjoyed that he was able to write a novel in which the characters were based on real people (as many readers know). This is something O'Connor enjoys about writing—he does it for the characters, not for recognition.
Jim has not only published this first book, but he will be publishing another one by the end of October of this year. So make sure that you pick up your paperbacks and read The Book of Lost Regiments: The Australian Regiment in France, 1914-1918. It is a great read!
The book weighs only 8.5 ounces, the size of a paperback novel. The cover is not full color, but it is large and gives off the feeling of a professional published book.

O'Connor found himself a small publishing company to assist his book be published.
"The Book of Lost Regiments: The Australian Regiment in France, 1914-18." Jim O'Connor. BISAC Press, 2016.
Boehmer, Elle. "Tennant Creek publishing company is a one-man operation." ABC North and West , 5 Mar 2017,
Thranum, Andrew.

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