Building a better Brick-and-Mortar with the Billion-dollar Web


 Building a better Brick-and-Mortar with the Billion-dollar Web

Many brick-and-mortar businesses are struggling due to the shift towards online shopping. But there is hope in new technologies, as seen by businesses like Uber, Amazon, and Netflix. In this blog post you will learn what is happening on the web right now that could help your business thrive in 2018 and beyond.

Today’s top websites have created a "buzz" around their platforms which has attracted billions of dollars of investment dollars just to get a piece of the pie. This new sector created by the success of these companies has had a strong impact on numerous industries: from tech developers to marketing firms, retailers, and even big box stores who are now bring apps into their strategies to stay competitive with these digital giants.

But there is good news for brick-and-mortar businesses…

While it is true that these giants are dominating the market place, they are doing one thing right: they are making shopping and buying easier than ever before. There have been many innovations in the sector, such as adding in reviews, allowing for digital coupons and delivery. But to truly compete with them, brick-and-mortar businesses need to make their products and services accessible online through their website or app.

All brick-and-mortar companies must provide a seamless customer experience between digital and physical stores . And that means embracing new technologies which can help you move your business from offline to online.

Be consistent and make sure your website is optimized to convert visitors into customers. Use the strategies below to make sure that your site is on par with the giants of online shopping!

How can your business thrive in 2018? Here a few ways:

#1: Use the internet to provide an endless selection of products to your customers. (Just like Amazon.) When people walk into a physical store, they are often overwhelmed by the number of available products. When they shop online, on the other hand, they can pick and choose any product they want. This gives customers more control over their shopping experience, but it also means that you need to offer a lot of options to appeal to as wide an audience as possible. With this in mind, you might want to consider having a range of products for every single customer base (such as brides, bachelorette parties or kids).

#2: Get your staff involved! You may be thinking that you don’t have enough time to create a website for your business. Just like many brick-and-mortar businesses, you may be running your business by yourself. However, when you create an online shop or website for your business, you need to involve your staff in the process. It can help build a stronger team and provide a more seamless service between the physical store and digital space.

#3: Make sure that you are willing to trial new software and systems before committing to them. For instance, if you have been using the same e-commerce software for the past ten years, then it might be time for an upgrade. This is because there are always new technology options to look at, providing more opportunities for growth in 2018 (such as selling more online than ever before). Don’t be afraid to try a new system out and see whether it is better for you.

#4: Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. It is normal to make mistakes when you are first starting out. In fact, it’s inevitable! But the important thing is that you learn from those mistakes and incorporate new strategies into your business plan. For example, if someone comes into your store and wants to buy something off of your website, don’t tell them “we don’t do that.” Instead, give them the option to purchase goods online through your existing website or app.

#5: Use social media to grow your business. When starting up a new e-commerce website or online shop, you need to work on marketing strategies straight away. This is because social media can be a good way to reach people who are interested in your products, as well as people who would benefit from them. By getting involved in social media marketing, it is also possible to generate more content that you can use for your website or blog (and attract more visitors). Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are great for building relationships with existing customers, but you should also consider LinkedIn and Twitter for finding opportunities with new clients.

You can learn more about social media strategies for your business in our training course: Social Media Marketing for Retail, E-commerce and Online stores.

#6: Consider taking a loan from your bank or other business loan company to buy new equipment to help with your online sales. When starting a new venture, it is normal to make mistakes, especially when you are a small business owner. It can be difficult to afford the equipment that you need to compete with the likes of Amazon, but you should try everything you can to get your product from point A (where it is made) to point B (where it is sold). Even if it is just a small loan from your local bank, you can expand your business by using the extra resources.

#7: Consider joining an e-commerce association. These organizations are made up of other people who are also in the digital space and they can be a great place to get information. For example, you might be able to sell more products over the internet if you become involved with an association based around e-commerce. You will learn about new software that you can use to reach more customers, as well as tips from other people who are just like you.

#8: Use visuals and images on your website or e-store to help sell products. This is especially important if your business is an e-commerce shop. You can use images to show what customers can expect to receive when they order a product, as well as how the product looks on them (especially if it is clothing). You can also use visuals to show how your products are made and what they are made of. This makes it easier for customers to understand why they should be buying something from you.

#9: Consider investing in SEO and digital marketing so that you can reach more people online. When starting up a website, it’s important that you have an SEO strategy in place from day one. This will help people find your website more easily, which means that you will increase your sales quickly and easily.


It’s never too late to start up a new business or learn more about your existing company. In fact, there are many things that you can do online to help increase your business and make it stand out from other online retailers. If you want to learn more, then you can find out how your business can grow in 2018 with our free training course: Social Media Marketing for Retail, E-Commerce and Online stores.

Also published on Medium.

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