Butchering Customer Service


 Butchering Customer Service

Customer service is expected to be on point, and the best customer service representatives are usually recognized by the company they work for. Customers who aren't receiving what they want are typically asked vent their anger at the employees; this often leads to a hostile work environment. However, there's no excuse for companies to not offer up-to-date information about their products and service, or a reliable way of keeping in contact with them. In order to avoid these situations from turning into a disaster of public relations chaos, companies should hire customer service agents that have clear communication skills and deep knowledge of their company's product line or business practices. These employees have the ability to communicate clearly and effectively, particularly during problem situations. Specifically, these agents should also be able to explain their company's policies and procedures and provide company-sponsored customer service outlets for customer inquiries.

Source: The Coworker [Curtis B.] from customer service is emailing his company about some problems with their product he purchased, one of his co-workers decides to send his response to him, but accidentally sends it to 100+ other coworkers.

Title: Customer Service Is a Frustrating Job
It's just like in the movies: A quick phone call or two and someone at the right place or right time makes everything magically perfect and has your back. Too bad this is a fantasy. When you call for customer service it's not like you're calling for some kind of Jedi assistance, and it's just not going to fall into place like that. You're on your own, with all the information you need to proceed, and no search engine or one-stop shop to resolve your problem without dealing with a human being. The best customer service may still result in a less than desirable outcome (e.g. you leave with a bad taste in your mouth, an upset stomach, and a headache from having to talk with someone).

Source: Customer Service Is a Frustrating Job
Title: Talk To Your Customers. Here's How.
TALK TO YOUR CUSTOMERS when they call you. They are calling you because they want or need your products or services badly enough to be upset and go through all sorts of trouble to communicate with you. They want what you have because they think it will give them something that's worth having, not because it's all that's available.
The last thing they want to hear is MORE COMPLICATIONS that make what they want even less likely. They don't care about complications, and they don't feel any loyalty to you because of your complications. They are annoyed by them, and you are annoying them by creating more of them.
And here's a tip for you: When people get angry at you and think about doing something nasty to your business or reputation, it's not because they intend to do it. It's because YOU FORCED THEM TO THINK ABOUT IT before their anger cooled off.
Don't make them think about doing something nasty to you. DON'T LET THEM GET ANGRY AT YOU.
Title: Customers should contact firms directly, not go on social media to vent frustration
Customers don't have to share their views — if they have a problem with a company, they should take it up directly with the firm rather than lash out on social media, according to the boss of one of Ireland's biggest banks. Richard Pym , chief executive of AIB , said while he was aware customers had issues they wanted it dealt with and perhaps didn't feel that was happening. " I would say to them, why go on Twitter, why not go directly to the bank ?" he said.
In recent months a number of Irish companies have had social media campaigns waged against them by customers who were unhappy with the services provided.
Executive of Irish Bank AIB says if you are upset with his bank then don't go on social media and yell at them about it. He should really look up the definition of Social Media before making statements like this.
Title: There's a Better Way to Get Customer Service Online
One of the challenges that technology is designed to solve is to provide easier access to goods and services. Having the ability to place an order online or through a mobile application provides customers with greater ease. However, our dependency upon technology sometimes leaves us sidelined when there is a discrepancy between what we are expecting and what we are actually receiving.
In most cases, the impact of these discrepancies can be easily addressed by the customer's ability to reach out via email or phone. However, this doesn't address how technology can help companies deliver better customer service by providing more transparency in regards to problems that may have occurred during delivery or when a product was ordered incorrectly.
Title: How to Help Your Customers Get Exactly What They Want
Customer Service is one of the most important pillars of any company - yet rarely do we give it the attention it deserves. It's not because there's not a lot to be learned from studying client service, but because customer service is a pillar that falls under so many different departments and fields. So, how do you effectively help your customers get what they want?
First and foremost, customer service shouldn't be thought of as something that will further your own goal by assisting a customer in obtaining what they want. I challenge you to look at this in a different light: when you help your customers get what they want, you're actually helping yourself gain business.
Title: How not to handle customer service
Overbearing, unprofessional and rude. In this public era of social media, what words do you use to describe your company and its staff? Judging by the responses we received from clients in our 2014 Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey , many people feel their companies have a serious problem making things right with their customers. One reason for this is because so many companies have a poor understanding of how to deliver great customer service by using language that really doesn't help matters.


It's amazing how fast things can go wrong. You're told everything is fine, then when you have a problem you have to jump through hoops and sometimes that just doesn't work. I'm sure you've had your own experiences with this in one form or another. Some of the companies we deal with seem to be famous for this kind of thing and we often hear about it from clients who were already upset at other customer service issues that just got worse when they dealt with this company.
Title: How not to handle customer service
In the public sphere, social media has become a highly prevalent form of communication as well as an integral part of many life-styles.

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