Buy Youtube Views


 Buy Youtube Views

Buying views for your Youtube videos is not the same thing as buying "likes" or "favorites" on social media sites.

The first key difference is that views are a metric for how many people viewed your video in real-time and voted thumbs up, whereas likes or favorites are temporary, lasting only as long as the internet user's browser window was open.
A second difference is that Youtube has built-in algorithms to favor video creators with more viewership overall instead of favoring individual uploaders based on how many likes they receive. This means that YouTube will automatically increase your rankings (and revenue) if you buy views so long as you're creating good content worth watching.

Whether you like it or not, YouTube has become a huge business. According to YouTube's 2016 earnings report (the most recent available), the company generated $10.6 billion in revenue, up 35% year-on-year. That's a lot of dollars to be making - money that the company recently awarded itself a 48% stock bonus to spend on their nest egg and share buyback program.

This means there is potentially a lot of money to be made by creating amazing videos that attract a high number of viewers (views). As you're about to learn, there are many ways to do this and getting better at social media marketing will benefit your brand immensely.

If you have an existing video on Youtube, or are looking to get one out as soon as possible, it's important to know that buying views can be extremely useful. If your goal is to rank your video and make money from it, it's even more important that you follow the strategies below.

Video Optimization for Youtube

The first thing you want to do is optimize the video title and description for Youtube search engines. This means going into the "Creator Studio" section of your account ( and updating the following:

Title - Try using targeted keywords in your title, but do not over-stuff it with them (e.g. "Buy 100,000 YouTube Views") -it will look spammy and cheap.

- Try using targeted keywords in your title, but do not over-stuff it with them (e.g. "Buy 100,000 YouTube Views") -it will look spammy and cheap. Description - Try using the same keywords you use in your title, but add a bit more information to the description so people know what they are buying (e.g. "Buy 100k YouTube views: Only $5" can be shortened to "Only $5 for 100k Youtube views").

To make it even easier, use the "Auto-Generate Description" option at the top right of the page. This will generate a description of your choosing and you can then edit it as often as you like to add extra information.

If you're having trouble coming up with keywords to use in your title and description , consider using Microsoft Word's "Word Analyzer" feature (naturally, if this is something you do on a regular basis). You can either find it through the ribbon menu or by typing "Word Analyzer" into the start menu. When it loads, click on "Title:" and then click on "Keywords.

This will show you a list of keywords that are most likely to appear in your title and description. Consider using the ones that appear at the top, or even better, use them as a starting point. You can then refine it further afterwards by searching for similar keywords on YouTube and/or Google.

Video Formatting for Youtube

Unlike most media sites, it's not really important to have a lot of videos uploaded from day-1 on Youtube. This is because there are only so many ways to monetize content - people need to discover new products or services in order for them to make money - but YouTube has been around for 15 years now so people already know what they like.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't be creative with your videos though. Think of the Google Play app store, where new apps are either highly ranked or not at all. If you're trying to get people to visit your Youtube channel and start watching your videos, it's important to make an impact on the first impression. This is where video formatting comes in handy.

Your thumbnail should ideally contain a relevant image (without a watermark on it) that also represents your video or brand. It's best positioned in the center of the thumbnail image and uses a high-DPI resolution so that viewers can see all of its details easily.

The following sections will show you some examples of thumbnails and the placement of your video on Youtube.

Video Formatting Example 1: A Youtube Video

Video Formatting Example 2: A Youtube Thumbnail Image

Video Optimization for Rank Tracking

Once you've created your video, posted it and started watching videos on it (and making money from it if you are), you're ready to start tracking the views and revenue that your video is generating. Here's how.

Log into your YouTube channel and look at the "Statistics" section to get an idea of what's working for you in terms of ranking.

The first section, "Audience retention", is important because it shows what % of viewers are watching your video up until the end. The average retention rate for Youtube videos is between 50-60%, but you can do better by optimizing your video for views and increasing its watch time. You can also make it more likely that viewers will want to watch your full video (and not click away from it half-way) by using "watch time optimization" strategies.

A lot of statistics sites claim that view count does not matter as much anymore, and this may be true to a certain extent - however you should still put in effort to get more views because they have the potential to generate revenue. In fact, one of the most important statistics that you should pay attention to is your "average watch time".

Average Watch Time: This shows you the amount of minutes a viewer spends watching your video, on average. It's important because Youtube will consider your video "good" or "popular" if it has a high average watch time - and it may also give it a better ranking. You can increase this figure by using the following strategies:

Add captions - Captions are useful because they allow viewers who are watching videos in noisy areas to be able to hear what is being said clearly. This means longer watch times, which means more money. Aim for a minimum of 90 seconds, but 240 seconds or more is even better.

- Captions are useful because they allow viewers who are watching videos in noisy areas to be able to hear what is being said clearly. This means longer watch times, which means more money. Aim for a minimum of 90 seconds, but 240 seconds or more is even better. Add interesting content - Videos with high watch times tend to have at least one of the following things: Great content that viewers want to see The ability to connect with the viewer (e.g.


Viewers will become more engaged and will be more likely to watch your videos for longer periods, which gives you a better chance of making money from the content.

However, it is important to note that there are varying views when it comes to YouTube, and that you should always compare the numbers between different channels to see who is actually making money from their videos. You can learn more about this in "How Much Money Can You Really Make on YouTube?" If you're looking for some inspiration or want help figuring out what your video should look like, try using one of these templates (they're all at a 1:1 ratio so they can be used as the basis of any other video).

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