Buyers Guides vs. Unbiased Product Reviews – why more and more consumers are preferring the latter?


 Buyers Guides vs. Unbiased Product Reviews – why more and more consumers are preferring the latter?

In the past, when shopping online, consumers would only ever see a product's Buyer's Guide on the manufacturer's website. This detailed list of pros and cons for each product would give customers food for thought about what to purchase. But recent times have seen more and more consumers turning to unbiased reviews from other shoppers in order to get a more accurate view of products available on Amazon and other major retailers.

Through these reviews, shoppers are able to garner firsthand user experiences that are outside the perspective of manufacturers who want to play it safe with their listings. These reviews are not only helpful for identifying the best products, but they also provide candid and objective opinions that are missing from Buyer's Guides. This puts the power in the hands of consumers to make meaningful purchasing decisions.

Why is it that more and more consumers prefer unbiased reviews over Buyer's Guides? Here are just a few key reasons:

Buyer's Guides are only mentioned on the manufacturer's website – but never on other major retailers such as Amazon. The Buyer's Guide is included on a manufacturer's website as a way to increase sales through its extensive list of pros and cons for each product. Buyer's Guides are only listed on a manufacturer's website – and never on Amazon. The Buyer's Guide is included in the list of "what you should buy" which means that it doesn't appear anywhere else on Amazon. In the past, these Buyer's Guides were not available for any other retailer to view. In an effort to increase sales, manufacturers are actually listing their products as "what you should buy" regardless of whether it is actually worthy of being listed in that position or not. No one can check a Buyer's Guide before buying – because there is no place where anyone can find out whether this particular product is worth buying or not. There are many Buyer's Guides available for products, but none of these guides can be checked before making a purchase.

A lot needs to change in the way manufacturers approach their Buyer's Guides. Instead of creating these Buyer's Guides as a one-time strategy to increase sales, manufacturers need to be more unbiased and honest with what they write, so that consumers can make better purchasing decisions. When manufacturers start including all their products on Amazon and other major retailers, it stops the practice of "what you should buy" being applied only to its own website. By having all their products included on Amazon and other major retailers, consumers have a chance to find out what is worthy of being "what you should buy".

It's time manufacturers stopped misleading consumers and started helping them. Instead of pointing consumers in the direction of one product, manufacturers need to be more honest and consider that there are other products on the market that might work better for some customers. Consumers are not as rigid as manufacturers might believe. If a product is recommended but it ends up being a poor choice for whatever reason, then a customer will be more likely to re-evaluate other products on the market to see what else is available. By simply including all their products on Amazon and other major retailers, manufacturers have a better chance at growing their own sales than by applying tactics designed only to increase sales for one specific product.

With the realisation that consumers are more likely to make purchases based on reviews than Buyer's Guides, manufacturers need to change the way they are listing their products so that they are adequately represented in these reviews. These reviews can have a huge impact on whether shoppers decide to purchase a product or not, so it is worth manufacturers investing time and resources into creating the best possible reviews. This means that they need to create multiple Buyer's Guides for each product so that shoppers can check out all the pros and cons before making their purchasing decision.

Consumers want unbiased information – and we're here to give it to them. There is a reason why sites like ours and others have become so hugely popular, and that's because we give an unbiased review of all products on the market. Instead of being paid to promote one product over another, our reviewers only recommend items that they believe are worthy of being recommended. This is why our reviews are so highly rated – we don't just give the good things about a product, but also the bad things.

Through sites like ours, consumers can get real information from real people on what they should buy without having to worry about hidden agendas from manufacturers who want to increase their sales by any means possible.

At Best Deal Review we believe that manufacturers must be more honest in their product listings on sites like Amazon and other major retailers, and give consumers the real facts about their product. Consumers are more likely to make a purchase based on an unbiased review than they are from a Buyer's Guide where only one side is given.

With Amazon already having over 3 million independent product reviews available for some of the most popular products available online, it is important for manufacturers to start listing their products as "what you should buy" instead of just listing them as "what you should avoid", so consumers can make better purchasing decisions.

By being more honest with consumers, manufacturers can actually increase their sales over time. The new era of online shopping is all about customer feedback, and it's our job to provide as much information as possible so that consumers can make an informed purchase that they are comfortable with.

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From Best Deals Charts

Best Deals Charts is dedicated to helping customers find the best deals on products that they are interested in, whether they are looking for a particular product at a particular price, or just one of many products that are available online.


Product comparisons is a huge part of the modern online world and all major eCommerce sites such as Amazon are using them to their advantage. From gathering product data that is automatically generated by their systems, to displaying product information in a way that will encourage you to buy, they are always looking for ways to get you onto their website. Most webmasters have probably had at least one situation where they were asked by an Amazon customer to add a Product Comparison or Product Review on a particular product. Unfortunately, this project always seems like it is never going anywhere – it never gets the attention that it needs, no matter how many times people send in the request form.

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