Bylaws – The Guts of a Corporation


 Bylaws – The Guts of a Corporation

A corporation is a legal entity, separate and apart from its owners. Although corporations can be divided into smaller parts, these parts often share in some or all of the same liability. This means that while they may be operating as separate corporations, they are all still subject to the same rules and regulations. All corporations must have bylaws as well as several other essential documents at their disposition to operate legally. A corporation's bylaws are its rules of governance, and are vital documents that will help all members understand the laws that apply to their corporation.

When a business owner creates a corporation, the business is legally recognized as an entity separate from its owner(s). The corporation can then grant some of its membership rights to individual members in exchange for an agreed-upon share of the profits made. This is known as "equity" for those selling shares to put into their own pocket. Equity holders do not hold any ownership rights, and instead receive only a share of profits from the company or organization they invest in, usually through dividends.

A business owner can become a member of the corporation, giving them rights to vote on major decisions of the company. A third type of membership is that of an employee, where the employee takes on an assignment for work as a "contract" worker. The biggest difference between employees and contract workers is that contracts are not expected to be permanent and have stipulations to ensure this.

Bylaws are used by most corporations to establish rules that must be adhered to in order for its members—or even non-members—to remain in good standing with the organization. Violation of these rules can cause expulsion from membership or the loss of privileges granted by said membership, depending on severity and which rule was violated. The most common bylaws are rules regarding the membership structure. Bylaws will state who is qualified to be a member of the organization, how membership can be attained and how it can be lost, what privileges come with membership (if any), and how much members must pay for these privileges.

A corporation's bylaws are usually established at the same time as its Articles of Incorporation. Each board or committee is then required to keep their own set of bylaws in order to maintain order within the organization. Failure to comply could result in severe sanctions imposed on the offender(s) as well as punishment for all others involved who had knowledge of or were involved with said violation(s).

In the United States, a corporation's bylaws are established by the board of directors and voted on by shareholder(s). If there are no board members then control falls upon in the hands of the shareholders themselves. These bylaws will outline all major rules and regulations for membership within the organization, as well as other important details that must be known to all parties involved. Bylaws will typically include rules regarding finances, elections, meetings, membership rights and requirements, equity shares sold to outside investors (like stockholders), contracting procedures, compensation and payment procedures for employees and members, a mission statement or purpose statement of sorts to guide corporate decision-making in the future, and much more. However, in some cases these are not necessary because all important things can take place via simple resolutions or decisions.

A corporation's bylaws can be located within a plethora of places depending on the location of the corporation and how it is incorporated and registered. They are typically stored with its state government, but this is not always the case.

In Canada, corporations' bylaws are stored with the Registries Corporation Services Canada (RCSC).

Bylaws: Corporations Law: Forming Bylaws & E-Forms - Nolo

Bylaws: Corporations Law: Forming Bylaws & E-Forms - Nolo

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International Bylaws and Statutes of Governance (IBGS): Corporate Governance, Shareholder Rights & Corporate Investment https://ibgs.


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International Bylaws and Statutes of Governance (IBGS): Corporate Governance, Shareholder Rights & Corporate Investment http://ibg...

Corporate Bylaws Handbook: What Every Director Should Know About Incorporating a Company www-bomc-bhmvccc-page095.idirect.

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