Can An Employee Survey Help You?
If you're looking for ways to improve your company's performance, a survey can be a good way to start.
But it's not always as easy as just asking employees what they think. An employee survey is only successful if you take care to conduct it properly, and that means following certain criteria:
- Make sure the questions are relevant to the issue at hand. Don't ask people their opinions on issues unrelated to work at all; or if they are related, make sure the questions are phrased in a way that allow for open-ended responses.
- Ask respondents only one question at a time and avoid trying to ask them about more than one topic in one sitting.
- Build in time for employees to think.
- Make sure the questions are clearly worded.
- Ensure that employees who don't respond aren't penalized.
These guidelines and others will help you conduct a successful employee survey and get the information you need.
What's An Employee Survey? [ARTICLE END]
Research shows that health problems are common among employees, with the loss of productivity due to long term medical conditions costing employers $1,200 each year per employee according to a 2006 study by PricewaterhouseCoopers for Aon Hewitt. Health problems can also impact overall job satisfaction and lead to higher costs when it comes to absenteeism from work. Employees with access to a health care plan have lower average medical costs than those who don't have insurance. Despite that, only about 60 percent of employees have health insurance in the US.
This survey is very useful for evaluating the satisfaction of your employees and also for identifying the hidden problems which can be resolved. The data from employee survey may help you in deciding on investing in other areas to improve employee satisfaction levels and therefore improve productivity of your organization.
-Can an employee survey help reduce healthcare costs?
-What are the steps involved in conducting an employee survey?
For more refer
If your company is relatively small, employee satisfaction surveys can be a very simple, almost non-existent process. However, as your corporate size increases and you have to begin worrying about every employee's opinion of the company, the need for more consistent surveys becomes more important. As people in a large corporation tend to be more distant from issues that affect them individually, they may not express their opinions as clearly as they would if they were in the same position as the survey taker.
This means that the survey questions need to be designed with greater care than those for small companies.
Try using a combination of simple questions and open-ended ones and don't try to ask too many questions in one go. If you have a long list of questions to ask, split them up into separate surveys if you want to make sure that employees are receiving the surveys and responding consistently. It's important that people don't catch on to the use of surveys as a resource for gathering information about what's working and what isn't. If this happens, participants are more likely to give unreliable answers or even stop taking the surveys. A common pitfall of employee surveys is the tendency to make them so complicated that they force respondents to give up on the question.
You should remember that there are usually millions of things to do at any given time and not enough time in a day to do them all. Employees who don't get this down will find it difficult to understand how their opinions can affect the opinions of others, even if these others are their supervisors.
In order for an employee survey to effectively collect data, you must develop questions that encourage an honest response from your employees. Carefully consider your survey topic and word your questions carefully so as not create a subject matter bias in favor of or against an issue or point of view. The closer your question is to the issue, the more effective it will be. If you are asking about problems you want to solve, there can be no bias on your part as you bring all of your experience to bear on the problem solution. However, if you're using a question about an employee's performance in a job function, for example, any imagined bias on your part could lead employees to believe that they are being evaluated negatively.
You should make sure that the survey questions used are appropriate for your company and its culture. For example, many cultures would not appreciate being asked how often they smoke cigars or how much overtime is generally worked.
Some interesting questions can be asked, and even if they are asking about a taboo subject, the questions can still be valid in what they communicate and what they reveal. By using these kinds of questions, you may get a more honest response than if you were to ask a "regular" question.
Another useful technique is to ask questions that require a yes or no answer. You may get more accurate results and a better understanding of why employees feel a certain way. If you aren't sure of the answer, you should ask questions that can be answered by selecting all that apply. This will give you the opportunity to present three or four options and will make it easier for employees to select one response over another.
Employee surveys are a great way to find out what your employees really think about their workplace and their coworkers. As an employer, keeping tabs on your employee's opinions can help you make improvements in your company as well as keeping your employees happy with their jobs. Although it may seem like a lot of work, the time and effort you put into employee surveys can really pay off in the long run.
By using the right employee survey software you can make your own survey, get results and act upon that information faster than with any other approach. The days of physically printing your surveys, picking them up yourself or waiting for a response are over! Using today's technology you can quickly create good looking surveys that work well on all of the major platforms (iPad etc). You choose how many questions to ask, what type of questions to ask (multiple choice, radio buttons etc) plus lots more customizations. Then get responses quickly by emailing a link straight to your smartphone or tablet users.
The following is a list of websites to get started on conducting a simple employee survey:
Employee surveys may be used to measure the workplace environment, such as how constructive the workplace is in providing feedback; whether it encourages a level of cooperation; and what employees perceive as opportunities for further development.
Conclusion and recommendations
Employee surveys may be used to measure the workplace environment, such as how constructive the workplace is in providing feedback; whether it encourages a level of cooperation; and what employees perceive as opportunities for further development.
Conclusion and recommendations
Employee surveys may be used to measure the workplace environment, such as how constructive the workplace is in providing feedback; whether it encourages a level of cooperation; and what employees perceive as opportunities for further development.