Can You Afford What Rudeness Is Costing Your Business?


 Can You Afford What Rudeness Is Costing Your Business?

In the article, Wesley said that "social media has become a place where people can be rude at their leisure." He goes on to ask if businesses should consider being rude to rally up sales and grow their social media presence.

Rudeness is costing your business. In this article, I will discuss how rudeness can hurt your business in different ways and then I will go on to show what you can do about it so that you don't have to suffer any more than necessary. This article contains important information that you need in order to make an informed decision as well as tips for conducting yourself kindly online.  
...As far as benefits go, you can mention that being kind not only helps you build customer loyalty and sales, but it also ensures that your business stays on their mind and heart.

He mentions simple acts like replying to a customer's tweet or checking out the competition. In fact, he says "People are paying attention and they're watching what you do."

It is interesting how Wesley points to the fact that people are paying attention to how businesses conduct themselves online; this is something we hear a lot about in our blogs, articles, and classes.

He goes on to say, "Be rude because you want people to be rude and then you will have the power." This is a common misconception about online rudeness. You cannot force others to be rude. You may get a few grumpy customers here and there but you will never be able to make someone else be rude.
There is an element of being a little cautious about the things you say online. There's always the chance that you could offend someone and if your business is linked to your personal life, then it's even more important to watch what you say. It can take just one misstep to seriously hurt your business.
But will it?
Business owners should know that they can never, ever be completely certain of the risks that they are taking when they post anything on the Web. On these blogs, forums, and social media sites, anything you post is bound to be read by thousands of people within a short time.

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