Can't get the staff? Part One


 Can't get the staff? Part One

One of the biggest problems that any party faces is not being able to get the people needed to complete a project. We put together this list of ways to get people for your next big event!

1. Give gifts: There's no doubt about it, giving gifts is the best way to solve certain problems with people. So when you can't seem to find anyone who wants your job, prepare a gift basket full of goodies and watch them come rolling in. It's one reason why pandas sell so well on Black Friday.
2. Just tell them what they need: If that doesn't work, try telling them what they need and how they can do their job better than you do now. This technique is only really good if said people are your friends and you don't really mind losing them. If they're enemies then this method involves telling them that they're fat, ugly and stupid.
3. Give an easy job: Sometimes the best way to get someone is by giving them an easy job that you know they'll have fun doing. That way, people will be more willing to come help you with your project than if you give them a hard job that puts stress on them. It also helps if there are lots of snacks involved in the job!
4. Buy their loyalty: This method is perfect for large events where you're relying on large numbers of people to help you. This is a great technique if you know that people will be able to get the special foods that you need, and that the cost of the event won't be what the financial area will be.
5. Tell them about something amazing: When all else fails, tell your friends about something amazing that happened today and ask them to translate it into money!
6. Get someone with money or influence: If you can't seem to get anyone else, try asking one of your buddies who has money or influence if they would mind giving some of it to people in return for doing a job they don't really want to do. It works best when you give them jobs that everyone can get behind.
7. Use science: If all else fails, try doing some scientific research on ways to make people have fun. So far scientists have only come up with the hug, but there's still time!
8. Do it yourself: If all else fails, do it yourself! It's going to be tough, but at least you know it will get done right and you won't have a bunch of lazy people getting in the way of your project. This method also works great if it's just something small that only takes 5 minutes to do.
9. Wait: If you're going to wait, make sure that you don't set your deadlines too early. That way, you won't end up having to do all the work yourself. One of the best ways to avoid waiting is to be patient and know how long a job will take!
10. Don't be impatient: If you can't get people after trying all of these methods, don't be too impatient! Give it time and others will see that your event is worthwhile and may end up helping on their own or following what people are doing. It's one reason why many people like pandas so much!
11. Do it anyway: If all else fails, do it anyway! In this case, you're putting your life on the line and doing something that no one else wants to do. Technically it's illegal, but if you don't get caught then it will still be a great event!
12. Put yourself in their shoes: This is a great way to solve problems with people when they can't seem to get around you or the obstacle in front of them. When deciding on a solution that works for everyone involved, ask yourself what would happen if you were them and solve the issue from there.
13. Solve the problem yourself: This one can be tough, but it's one of the best ways to solve a problem that you're having. You'll need to find out what people want and make it happen yourself...but you're the only person who can do that!
14. Beat up your problem: If beating up your problem won't work, just beat up someone else who is causing you trouble. It's one of the easiest ways to solve any issues with anyone who's doing something wrong or even annoying.
15. Be like Paul: This is one of our favorite methods when you can't seem to get the people you want to help. Just put on some earphones, pretend that it's the end of the world, and just don't care! It works after you've done everything else we wrote here against it!
16. Get a new job: This method may not work ever again, but it has worked for us in the past. So if nothing else has worked for you, start looking for a new job and see what happens! There's no doubt about it; being in charge of something is a huge responsibility and can be very stressful at times which is what makes this method so powerful.
17. Go it alone: This is one of our favorite ways to solve problems with people and even ourselves. The only problem with this method is that if you fail, then you fail big! It also requires a lot of self-confidence and motivation which can be tough if you're doing something amazing and fun!
18. Go it alone: This is the same as #15, but instead of doing the hard thing yourself, just do it alone! There's no doubt about it; being in charge of something is a huge responsibility and can be very stressful at times which is what makes this method so powerful.
19. Just do it anyway: This works great for when you're just worried about yourself or your own happiness. You don't have to answer to anyone, and you don't have to listen to anyone. It's you against the world and that's just the way it is!
20. Start over: This works great if you know that things aren't going right. You can always start over, but if you get upset on the way then you may learn why some people are like they are in the first place!
21. Get someone with money or influence: If you can't seem to get anyone else, try asking one of your buddies who has money or influence if they would mind giving some of it to people in return for doing a job they don't really want to do.


So there you have it, twenty different ways to get your friends to do what you want them to do. It may not seem like it all the time, but most people want to help you if they can. They just don't want to ruin their lives or risk their bodies in the process. Sometimes they're just being lazy.

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