Change Management In Practice: Why Does Change Fail?


 Change Management In Practice: Why Does Change Fail?

Change Management In Practice: Why Does Change Fail?

Change is a continuous process. It may seem like it occurs slowly over the course of many years and we are always on the verge of making progress while, at the same time, we remain eternally stuck. But what happens when change is a little too much to take or when there have been chronic changes that no one has been able to explain? What makes it so difficult to plan and execute this type of transition?

This article discusses some possible causes for why change fails in practice. It then breaks down five components for how to understand what is happening with your efforts to change and ultimately fix the issue.

What are the possible reasons for why change fails?

Poorly planned change: Change is not something that can be implemented without a plan or without the proper preparation. While the plan may seem to be perfect on paper, there will be many things that will not go as planned in reality. You need to have a backup plan for when these situations arise and you also need to be able to explain changes effectively if they are needed. Don't aim for perfection, but do try to keep your efforts as close as possible to your original goals and objectives. Look at what went wrong, what was missing and how you can correct it before implementing it again.

Lack of leadership: This is a key issue that many companies are facing today. It is not enough to have the best people in place and most flexible processes. The leader must be able to motivate the entire team to look at change as something that helps everyone reach the same goal. Don't just tell them change is coming, but show them how it will help their business and how you are going to do it. Make sure you provide a clear vision for how people will achieve this and how long it will take and what they need from you during this process.

Lack of collaboration: There are some people in the organization who do not want change to occur, no matter what it is. They may resist, they may not even know why they don't like the changes that are coming, but they actively do everything in their power to keep themselves from being transformed. It is vital to get these people on board as soon as possible and not just for the sake of getting them on board, but also to make sure that others are well-informed about how this transition will happen and how it will help everyone. Nobody wants to feel left out or not be able to participate in the change process at all.

Poor communication: Communication is one of the biggest problems that companies face when they need to make changes. It doesn't matter how good your plan is, how well you communicate it or how well you equip people with the information they need. The chances are always great that people will read your message in a way that leads them to believe something different than what was intended and successful implementation relies on their ability to fact-check everything and make sure that the right steps are taken.

What can we do if change fails? How can we fix it this time?

Communication: Communication is something everyone does well but there are certain people who would rather choose not to listen at all. This means that everyone needs to be clear on why anyone must change and how far is too far. Recognise problems as soon as possible, talk about what you expect from every individual, but also try to talk about the big picture and get everyone on board as soon as possible.

Understanding: Without knowing what is happening, it's hard to fix the problem and make changes worth it. It is not possible to just make all kinds of changes in one go and expect them to be better when they have been implemented before. By looking at the past success of your company, you can quickly analyse what works well and what doesn't. You can then use the knowledge of understanding your past properties to improve in the future.

Planning: The plan is obviously so very important for ensuring success. It is vital to prepare for any changes that are ahead and make sure that you know what you want to achieve, how long it will take and how much resources will be required from you. This way, each person can know what to expect as well as how long it will take, making them more willing to invest into the overall effort.

Teamwork: One of the most important issues about becoming successful in anything is team work. Each person has a different role within a team and this plays a huge factor in their success or failure. Therefore, it is also important to include all members of your team when planning and implementing change. Make sure they are not only aware of what is happening, but that they are consulted on different issues as well.

This article was originally posted on the HubSpot Blog . To read the full post, click here .

Title: 5 Ways To Inspire Your Employees And Drive Results For Your Small Business

Photo: Source: Flickr User chensiyuan

By Lori Kaufman | OpenView Labs | March 12, 2014 _____________________ _________________ ____ _______ Five Ways to Inspire Your Employees and Drive Results for Your Small Business Today's employees want an inspiring workplace that drives customer loyalty and competitive advantage. Take a look at five ways you can infuse your workplace with inspiration and drive business results. Inspire employees to be their best by creating an inspiring environment. According to research by the World Values Survey, people want to work in a workplace that inspires them (1). What does it mean for an employee to be inspired? In a recent Forbes article, it states that an employee is inspired if they feel "committed to the mission and values of the company, proud of its accomplishments and know that what they do on a daily basis contributes positively to the overall goals of the organization" (2). As small business owners, we want our employees to feel this way about our company. This is a great way to get people to want to help and grow the business. Create visible measurements of employee engagement

Employees are more likely to be engaged if they think the work they are doing is important and that their supervisor takes the time to listen (3). To measure employee engagement, provide methodical monthly and quarterly reviews for employees, which can be used for identification and measurement of success. Use these reviews as a tool for showing your employees that you are taking an interest in their growth. This will encourage them to do the same. Keep an open-door policy

An effective way to inspire your employees to be engaged is by setting an example of a collaborative work environment in which they can openly share their concerns, ideas and suggestions. Having an open-door policy is a great way to show employees that you want their input and feedback. This kind of environment encourages brainstorming and innovation, which helps drive business results (4). Let employees reflect on their work One way to get employees inspired is by letting them see the impact their work has on the company.

Conclusion These are just a few ways to get your employees excited and engaged at work. However, the key to inspiring and driving employee engagement is making sure that employees can see the direct impact their work has on the company. Remember, you are never going to inspire employees unless they feel their contributions make an impact. One way to do this is by encouraging feedback from your employees, which will generate an open environment for discussion about company growth. Keep an open-door policy—letting employees know that you want a collaborative work environment is a great way to start.

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