Cheaper is Not Always Better


 Cheaper is Not Always Better

Sometimes, buying an item at full price is a better option than getting it cheaply. Here are some examples of why it may be best to skip the bargain and buy something new.

1)It's a discontinued item: If you want that discontinued article of clothing or appliance, then go for it. You'll save enough money in the long run if you need to replace it that your savings will more than cover the cost in comparison to buying a cheap one on sale. It may not always be worth the hassle and trouble of finding out how something works as well as possibly being less reliable or needing repair by a knowledgeable person who might charge you dearly for his services.

2)The item will be cheaper in the long run: Think of it as an investment. If you're going to spend hundreds on a piece of furniture or equipment, then go for the best there is. You'll save money in the long run by not having to buy another later on, or worse yet, repair one that could break easily. That so-called good deal you're getting now will cost you more later on.

3)You can't transport it yourself: If you can't transport an item home by yourself and have no way of getting it delivered, then skip it even if the price is right. Think of that money you will spend on delivery fee and then find someone to do the job for you.

4)You don't need it yet: There's no point in buying something that you won't use for awhile. If you're going to buy a new product, think about when you will really need it, because it could be more expensive than if you bought a different item which would get used much sooner.

5)You can do without it: No one needs anything in this day and age unless they are rich, so if you've decided not to buy something, don't stress about feeling like you "should" get it because everyone else seems to be doing so. You are not obligated to go along with the crowd.

The bottom line is that you need to make a list of things you really need and stick to it like glue. You can probably continue without another chair, table, or computer, so leave that money where it belongs – in your pocket.
What are some other items that you would never buy at an auction? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
Posted by Cheaper Is NOT Better at 11:03 AM No comments:
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The best way to clean a stove It's the time of year where we spend more time inside – what better way is there to start the New Year off than with a brand new sparkling kitchen? If you don't have time for the whole house, here are some tips for cleaning a stove. 
Make sure you turn off all gas or electric to the kitchen.  Take out every single drawer if they aren't hardwired and place them on the ground or counter away from where you'll be doing your cleaning.  Locate any cords that have plugs that might have to be pulled out.  Open all of the cabinets.  Pull out any drawers.  Using a bucket for hot water, remove all of the grime and grease with a scrub brush. For appliances, unplug them and fill your tub with white vinegar.  Use your scrub brush again to remove dirt and grease from stove top and burners. Once your stove is clean, you can use dry cloths to dry or wet with soap or detergent to wipe down the walls and appliances as needed.  If you have a microwave that's built in, remove and clean it with soap and water while the stove is clean.  Monitor and be careful of any sparks or gas that might be on the stove, unplug anything else and turn off all of the burners.  Vacuum all along the edges of your appliances and wipe down counters.  Put everything back together.
The best way to clean cabinets The kitchen isn't complete without a sparkling set of cabinets. Here are some tips for keeping them clean throughout the year:
Wipe down with soap and water once a month to get rid of any food or grime buildup on the shelves.  Remove contents if cabinets are very full.  Wipe down shelves with soap and water so they are clean and shiny.  Clean inside drawers and wipe down the outside as well.  Take out any items that can be washed in hot water and dry them on the counter or in a warm place so they're ready to go when you put them back into the cabinets.  Wipe down all of the doors with a cloth, making sure you get into all of the grooves for those hard-to-reach areas.  Wipe the handles of your cabinets and the sink.  Organize, rinse out any soap or grime by running water through and then dry everything off.  Wipe down the inside of your drawers with soap and water, making sure to clean all the little crevices.  Clean any encasements (like glass on the top of a cabinet) with lukewarm, soapy water and let dry.  Wipe down any shelves that haven't been used for awhile with a cloth and hot, soapy water.  Use vinegar on all wooden surfaces for a deeper shine than rubbing alcohol will provide.
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Clean out or remove any items that don't need to be in your toilet.

There you have it – some of the most effective ways to keep your house in tip-top shape. Of course, if you're a do-it-yourself kind of person, you might have figured out all of these on your own. However, I wanted to list some of the tips that will help make sure that your home stays clean and in order long after New Year's Day is over.

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