Choosing a Company Name


 Choosing a Company Name

Are you in the process of starting a company and don’t know what to name it? Whether you’re just getting started or looking for inspiration, here are some tips on how to choose the right company name.

Choosing a company name can be tough, so these tips will make it easier. You want your business to stand out, but not seem overly flashy or intimidating. You want something that has potential and suggest growth.

Your business name is your online identity. If you are an SEO (search engine optimization) expert, it’s possible that people might search for your company. They will find your company based on the name or part of the name that they type into the search engine and how many pages show up. The more unique your name is, the more likely people will find you because more pages will show up in the results.

Here are some tips to help you choose a great company name: 1) Keep it simple and straightforward-Don’t worry if it doesn’t convey what you do right away; instead, make sure it doesn’t confuse anyone if they happen to see it out of context.

2) Think about what fits-Do you want it to be your whole name, part of your name, or both? You can do this by thinking about the different parts and how it all sounds when combined. For example, you might want to pick something that makes a person think of words that are related to your company.

3) Think about the name as separate words-Just because the name is one word doesn’t mean that it has to be memorable. You can also change it into two or three words if they sound good together. There are even some brands that use multiple words that don’t necessarily sound like anything but still have a nice ring to them.

4) Search out trademarks-You can find the name you want, but it might already be trademarked. If this is the case, you may want to change what you had planned in order to avoid any lawsuits down the line. You can find out if a company name has already been trademarked by searching on and entering part of the name or company website address into the search box.

5) Consider choosing an abbreviation-You may also want to choose an abbreviation or acronym that people will remember easily and look up at first glance. People might think of your company as an abbreviation or acronym more readily than a whole word. It’s up to you whether you want people to use your abbreviation the same way they might use an acronym.

You can also make up a character name or pun on words in order to keep a certain theme going with your branding. For example, there is a company called Pollo Taco. It’s like “pollo asado” which means roasted chicken in Spanish, but it sounds similar to “pollo tacon” which means chicken tacos as well.

6) Consider using a word that’s similar to your business-Make sure that you don’t choose a word that sounds like what you are in the process of doing. Say that you are a designer, and your user interface graphics is called “uppity,” it might confuse people. Make sure that it doesn’t sound like something else that people would associate with you.

7) Research other companies-What other successful companies have similar names? If there are no other successful companies with the same name, try searching for another word that is similar. You can also use to find out how many total mentions, average monthly search volume, and related keywords a particular word has.

8) Research your competitors-Check out the names of your competitors to see what they are called and why. You can use this information to help you decide on a name that will stick out from the rest. If you want to know what people are saying about your competitors on social media sites, use Google Alerts.

9) Look at similar companies that are successful-You can use to find out how many mentions, monthly search volume, and related keywords a particular word has. You can use this information as a starting point to look for other companies that might have a similar name but not necessarily successful names.

You want your company name to be memorable and catchy without being so original that it’s hard to remember and repeat the name. The more memorable it is, the more likely people will see your business on the internet or anywhere else if you decide to expand your marketing campaign.

Collect ideas, choose a name and brand, and then incorporate it all into your marketing campaign. One of the best ways to get people’s attention is to use social media. You can create an account for your company on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, YouTube, and more.

You can also create a slogan or catchphrase that describes what you do since people will associate this with your company name and make it stick in their minds. If they remember it well enough, they will start using it in their everyday conversations to describe how they feel about whatever the topic is. This is how you get people to remember your company name.

Once your company name becomes memorable, you can then take it from there. You can incorporate everything that you used in the creation process into your marketing campaign when it comes to creating a website for your business, choosing the right domain name, social media accounts, and more. More exposure equals more customers and sales.

*Please note that this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.*

Philip Fritzsching received his law degree from the University of South Carolina School of Law and worked as an attorney for six years.


Most small businesses need to make the first step in starting a new business. If you have plans of starting a new business, you might be confused about how to start a business. There are numerous steps before starting a business, and you have to understand the importance of each step. This information on 10 steps to making money as an entrepreneur will guide you through them as you find out what each step entails and whether it’s right for your needs.

You can start at the top by first finding out whether this is something that interests you or not. You might need to check with your parents or even friends before determining if this is something that would be lucrative for your future needs.

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