Christian Services: Service or Using Others?


 Christian Services:  Service or Using Others?

Are you ever tempted to offer a service without paying for it? Well, there's a difference between offering a service and using someone else in order to get something for yourself. Here are some ways that Christians can avoid using people in order to achieve their own personal goals.

First, consider asking the person if they want help with whatever it is they're trying to do. If the answer is yes then go ahead and offer your services! Asking first will allow you to establish trust and build relationships with others in the community. When you ask what they need and why, this will also help you determine whether or not actually offering your help would be helpful and appropriate.

Second, make sure your service is based on love. Love of the Creator is at the center of all Christian living, and this includes how we interact with others. When we offer our services out of love for God and others, we express the essence of Christianity. It's good to know that our actions and motives are based on true Christian values.

Third, make time for yourself as well as time to help others! If you help too much and forget to do things that are just for you, you can end up feeling run down or even resentful towards those around you who need help. Remember to take care of yourself. Paying attention to your own needs is a good way to ensure that you can continue giving of yourself.

Finally, offer services for free only if they are freely given by you as an expression of your love for God and others. If your decision to help is based on something other than love, it may not be very helpful in the long run. This includes people who ask you to help them for the sake of showing their gratitude or because it's expected. These things shouldn't be why you're offering your services. If a person asks you to help them without offering anything in return, then honor their request, but trust that God has a better way for both of you.

The Christian life is not about getting what we want, but about what we need!
"Christians are called to a life of love and service in community. We live in the midst of people who need our help and friendship—our neighbors—and we have been entrusted with the keys to ministering out of love. It is easy for Christians, especially those who do not suffer from material or physical needs, to lose sight of their fundamental call to serve." ~ The Service of Life: A Christian Reflection on Serving Humanity
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Christianity is about love—about showing compassion to others. We have a long tradition of caring for the sick and dying. That's why we have hospitals, hospices and nursing homes. Unfortunately, sometimes we think that our worldly wisdom or medical knowledge makes us the best caregivers when the opposite is true.
To really care for people, we must go to God. "God alone is good for me," as the psalmist sings. When we become aware of God's goodness in our lives, it can set us free from a painful spirit of guilt or fear and provide an inner peace that makes life more joyful and fulfilling. We then can reach out to others and offer them the same healing love of God that is ours.
In a materialistic society, the way we show love to those around us is a powerful witness to God's goodness and reconciling power in our lives."
The words were spoken by:
His Eminence Geron Archbishop Demetrios of America
Source: Archbishop Demetrios of America
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The Church, which exists for the sake of all humanity, is a place where people from all walks of life can find help, support and encouragement. As Christians we are called to live our lives as close as possible to Jesus' example and so seek to bring hope and healing wherever we go. The service of the Church is a good example of this by offering compassionate care and helping people cope with their lives.
So what do real Christian services look like? Here's a list:
1. Speak up when you witness an injustice.
If you see someone in need of support, speak up. Tell others what you know, pray for them, or help them as they need it. The Church encourages us to do this always and so will always be available to listen when people approach us with their problems.
2. Open your home to the homeless.
We can all help by opening our homes to those who need a place to sleep during the night. There are many organizations who offer this service across Canada and the US, and more are popping up all the time: Canadian Downtown Mission , Compassion House (Toronto), Inter-Varsity Students' Housing . . . . . . . . .
3. Volunteer your time.
There are many organizations that always need help, such as soup kitchens and shelters for the homeless or those who need a little help to get back on their feet. If you are looking for a good role model, try volunteering at a Church serving there or with the local Meals-on-Wheels program in your area.
4. Look after the elderly.
This is very special work because it gives us opportunities to grow our own compassion and sense of care for other people and also to be around older people as they go through more difficult times in life. Take some time to find out more: Canada, Elder Support Services . . . . . . . . .
5. Offer your time in the classroom.
Often, children are at the greatest need of a Christian witness in their lives as they are still forming their basic values and opinions about life, love and God. There are many opportunities for teachers to give guidance and help out with homework, or offer lessons about God's love in ordinary ways: Canadian Catholic Home Educators , Canadian Society of Catholic Home Educators (Ontario). Many Churches also run Sunday School groups.
6. Go to the hospital.
There are lots of hospitals around Canada that have chaplains on staff, who can offer patients comfort and care through prayer and counsel.

The Church is here to serve us, and we should be here to serve the Church. If you see a need in the Church or in the community, let your parish or visit one of its umbrella organizations to find out what they can do for you. You could even set up your own charity working with the YWCA (Young Women's Christian Association) or Scouts Canada. The best way to give is by staying involved with several charitable organizations and volunteers.
As Jesus said in Luke 10:25-37:
"He who has no money and doesn't know how to provide for himself will go without food; he who doesn't appreciate what he has will lose it…You cannot serve both God and money".

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