Creating an Effective Advertising Campaign


 Creating an Effective Advertising Campaign

Every commercial needs a great advertising campaign to boost sales. But how do you make an effective ad? It all starts with the story. And that’s where we come in! We can help you create your own story and develop the elements that comprise an out-of-this-world advertising campaign – from the concept, to content writing, to video production and website design. Let us take your business from good to great!

If you're interested in boosting your company's visibility, email us for more information about our services.

See Example of Blog Post Writing: How to Overcome Writer's Block (

Getting Started

This Guide will show you how to write for the people and for your business. If you think writing is easy, think again! I’ll show you what to do and what not to do in order to make your writing effective. It all starts with knowing your audience. Having a strong story and a professional voice will help you achieve the intended results, even if it takes years of practice.

Style Guide

Before we get started on the techniques, there are some general writing rules to keep in mind.

• The Writing Process: When you start a blog post, you should always follow the same steps: Brainstorm (Define the Problem), Look for Relevant Information (Research), Plan, Write, Edit and Proofread.

• Paper Writing: When writing a paper you have to adhere to a particular format. In the case of business papers such as research papers or reports, use APA style. For blog posts, it is acceptable to use your own voice and format the article based on your word processing program’s preferences or whatever style guide your company prefers (i.e. Chicago Manual of Style).

• The Language: Keep your writing style formal, but use casual language to appeal to your audience’s interests and concerns.

• Grammar: Keep in mind the basic grammar rules. Be careful with your spelling and punctuation. Proofread every letter you write to eliminate as many errors as possible. Use a spell checker if you have any doubts about the words you are choosing.

Writing a Blog Post

1. General Formatting

• Start the post with a hook, which will catch your readers’ attention. It could be a headline or a catchy opening sentence that gets the ball rolling.

• Keep your writing repetitive, using the same word or phrase over and over again in your post to attract more readers to click through to your blog. Keep it short as possible, and make it easy for your audience to understand what you’re writing about.

• Insert all relevant headings into your text: Title, Sub-title, Abstract, Keywords or Tagline etc. This will help search engines to find what you are looking for quickly and precisely.

2. Keywords

• Use the right keywords. Do some research on Google to find the right keywords for your post. Ensure that all of your words are relevant to your story, and do not overdo it. Remember that Internet search engine is becoming more and more sophisticated, so not all searches will bring readers to your post.

• Your keyword is the “key” that will open a person’s mind to read what you have written in the post. Keeping it simple and straightforward helps people understand what you have written about, where you are referring to in the text and how people can connect with what you wrote about.

3. Content

• Content is the “meat” of everything. Having enough content will make your blog post look more professional and attractive.

• Start with a Hook: This is the headline of your post, which will help people to understand what you have written about.

• Provide Relevant Background Information: In each piece of content, provide relevant background information that is related to the topic you are writing about, and in line with what you have already written about in your post. Or if there are no appropriate background information, do not write about the same thing again. Stick to the topic that has been discussed in your previous article (if you wrote one).

4. The Structure of Your Blog Post

• Start with the Introduction: This is where you would introduce yourself, your company and any relevant details about your business. If you have included a video about your company, you could start there as well. Let people know that this is a post about something related to your blog and what they can expect from it.

• Write the Main Body: The main focus of your article is the subject or topic that you have written about. Make it short, sweet and to the point, but still leave enough information for the reader to connect with it.

5. Conclusion

• End with a Hook: Just like the headline of your post, this hook should include the keyword or topic you are writing about. Make your readers want to read what you have written in the post.

• Provide a Call to Action: Asking a question is one way of doing it! You could also provide related information to make your readers want to click through and read more of your posts or view videos that you have posted on YouTube, etc.

Writing Calls to Action (CTAs)

As mentioned in the previous section, providing a call to action will help drive increased traffic and conversions for your website. There are many types of calls to action available for use on almost any type of website. The most common types of calls to action include:

• Adding a button

• A video link

• A video call to action (VCA)

Adding a Button

Adding a button or “call-to-action” is done by clicking on an icon that can be placed anywhere on your website. The purpose of adding this type of call to action is to direct the audience towards a particular action that you want them to take. If you are selling products, your call to action could be directing them towards the checkout page where they can complete the purchase process.


Do not forget to keep your blog post and your website content-rich. Engage the reader by providing useful information that is directly related to your post. Add a hook (an eye-catching heading or key phrase) at the beginning of each post, and repeatedly use hooks throughout the text for better engagement and a higher quality of visitors.

Part 3: Creating Video Content

1. The History of Video Marketing

For years, television has been considered as an essential marketing tool for businesses, especially when it comes to promoting their products or services.

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