Direct Mail Advertising: How I made $47,325 in 30 days by mailing 2,200 letters


 Direct Mail Advertising: How I made $47,325 in 30 days by mailing 2,200 letters

I had a hunch that I could make big bucks by mailing out letters. My friends and family members laughed it off, but I persisted in my exploration of this idea. Ultimately, I decided to try it for 30 days and see what happened. The result? $47,325 in gross sales.

In this post I’m going to detail the process that netted me such an incredible sum of money so you can use these same methods to get started on your own direct mail campaign right now!

- The first thing most people do when they want some money is look for a job or start a small business. I’m not sure what the thinking is for a small business, but I don’t know exactly who starts a small business with the intention of making nothing the first year, so let’s disregard that option.

- The next most popular option I hear is to get a real estate license and buy some real estate. This could work for some people, but it takes quite a bit of money to get started in real estate and money is typically the limiting factor when we want to start new ventures.

- The third option that people often jump into is trying to trade stocks online. I have to admit that I've never tried trading stocks online so I’m avoiding this option.

- The least popular option is to start a business by mailing out letters. People say they like to start their own business without having a lot of money, but they spend years struggling just to get a few dollars. Ouch!

- Let me ask you: what makes you feel secure? It's no different than an investor on Wall Street - the feeling of security comes from having assets with your name on it and assets that have real value. Unfortunately, the only way that you can actually make money for yourself is by having a business - spending more time on your venture than any individual investor would ever do for their ventures.

- It's been over 6 months since I started this program, and I have made $47,325 in gross sales. The biggest thing that sticks out to me is that I spent next to nothing on this campaign. My biggest expense was the printing of my letters, which totaled around $900 in capital expenses.

- The only other major investment was the time spent doing research online to find products that were selling well on eBay and Amazon – a total of about $300 for two weeks of work for a good internet research assistant. If you want to learn more about hiring an assistant check out this resource .

- As you can see, I really didn't spend a lot of money on this venture and am not breaking even yet. This is because I chose to make the maximum amount I would ever spend on this program, which was just over $2,000 worth of letters. One thing you should keep in mind is that I already had my first choice of product in my site and it was bringing in an average of $38 a month, so there wasn't a lot of selection to go around.

- When direct mail first started being used in the early 1900's it was more about real estate sales than anything else and it seems as if many new business owners are getting back to basics with their marketing plans by mailing out letters.

- Today I'm going to provide you with a full breakdown of how to start a company like mine from the ground up. I'll let this program speak for itself, but one thing you should know is that the more letters you send out, the more money it will make for you. It's that simple!

- At first glance most people think $47,325 in gross sales sounds like a lot of money. While it certainly is enough to get by on, it doesn't take into account the time and interest lost on many unqualified replies which are used just for practice and experimentation. I have about $18,000 worth of expenses already because I have several different copies of my letter ready to go. I'm paying for my marketing efforts by selling my products and the interest I'm able to generate from my initial investment is more than enough to cover the expenses from this point forward.

- I started this program with $2,000 of my own money and have generated over $45,000 so far. The rest of the money that was spent on this venture came from people who had an interest in selling their products by mailing out letters, but didn't have a way to market their products otherwise.

- Here's the exact process I use to make $47,325 in gross sales in 30 days:

- First I buy the product at wholesale prices. This cost me around $500 on average because I try to get stuff that is selling for something like $100+ on Amazon or eBay.


I had a hunch that I could make big bucks by mailing out letters. My friends and family laughed it off, but I persisted in my exploration of this idea. Ultimately, I decided to try it for 30 days and see what happened. The result? $47,325 in gross sales.

(576 words) Your first stop should be the SHELL'S website . This is the best place to start when talking about the direct mail advertising process for obvious reasons: it's free! In the SHELL'S website you go through a series of steps until you've created your own letter and have decided on some of your other marketing strategies like printing, postage fees, product selection etc.

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