Direct Marketing


 Direct Marketing

We oftentimes hear of direct marketing through ads and commercials that are in our faces every day. Companies such as Amazon, Merrill Lynch, Toyota, and Bank of America have mastered the art of making us want their product or service. They use marketing strategies to promote their company so well that it becomes difficult to not buy from them. But what is direct marketing?

Direct Marketing is a form of advertising message that is sent directly to the customer without going through an intermediary (such as a retailer) or without passing via any publisher’s editorial department. Direct Marketing can be either offline or online in nature.

Some forms of direct marketing are:

• Direct Mail: the posting of a message through the mail (usually addressed to a specific address) that is completely under one company’s control.

• Direct Mail Piece: a communication (usually print) product sent by the company for marketing purpose. It may contain information about a product, promotion offer, or simply to drive traffic to an online store. Direct Mail pieces may or may not include an offer to buy. This form of advertising is important because it lets customers know of their existence and the opportunities that they provide.

• Postcard: a simple piece of card sent through the mail (typically addressed to a specific address) that is printed, usually with advertising on it.

• Flyers: one-page or two-page printed guides to specific locations.

• Catalogs: a publishing for all types of businesses, including ecommerce, retail, and even public relations. They are typically mailed and are used to promote products and services from the company in question. A catalog can also be used to determine what products should be included in their next catalog.

• Brochure: a medium- to high-tech pamphlet, usually featuring a unique design. They are often full color and are used to promote products and services from the company in question.

• Booklets: the same as brochure, but they tend to be higher-tech versions of the paper books that were popular during the 60s and 70s. These books typically feature graphics and illustrations on them. These books generally have information printed all throughout them, instead of just having formal sections in them.

• Direct Mail/Printed Matter: usually a mix of brochures, flyers, catalogs, postcards, and direct mail pieces.

• Electronic Direct Mail: usually a mix of brochures and postcards, etc.

• Telemarketing: the selling of products or services over the phone. The marketing messages are communicated to the customer directly through a telephone call.

• Telemarketing Scripts: used by telemarketers to communicate with customers and to persuade them into buying products and services. These scripts have been written in a way that makes it seem as though they are talking personally with the customer, building trust and confidence between them. There is an art to writing effective telemarketing scripts, so be sure to check out our post on it here.

• Advertisement: an announcement sent directly to a particular audience (usually via broadcast), designed to sell a product or service.

• Display Advertising: the use of physical advertising to draw attention to a brand. It can be seen in many forms, and can often include posters, paper, print, etc. It can be used as a form of direct marketing, where it is just the display of the brand’s information in public places.

• Billboard Advertising: the use of outdoor advertising for direct marketing purpose. They are typically large posters that people see as they drive by on their way somewhere important (such as where they will go for lunch).

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