Effective Advertising Pointers


 Effective Advertising Pointers

Advertising is a powerful way to reach potential customers. But just because you create a great ad, it doesn't guarantee that you'll make an impactful marketing campaign. For your advertising campaign to be effective, there are four points that should be considered: who you think your target audience is, where they are likely to see the ads, how often they will see them, and what kind of message you want to get out. These four points should all work together in order for your advertising campaign to succeed. Does your ad target the right audience?
"The first step to creating effective ads is identifying your target market," said Colleen Conklin, an advertising consultant. "It's essential to know who you are trying to reach and why they will buy your product or service." Once you have a clear idea of who makes up your target market, it's easier to create an ad that will appeal to them.
Example: If a company targets 18-25 year-old females as its primary audience, an ad that uses a baby photo may not have the desired effect. It would be more effective if instead of using a baby the company use a woman or girl with her hair styled in pigtails for example.
Where are people most likely to see your ad?
The next step is determining where your company will be putting its advertisements. "You need to place ads in places that are visible to the target audience," Conklin said. "This means looking for the most effective area to place your ad, and placing it there." The placement of the ads you create will not only depend on where potential customers are, but also who they're likely to see them with as well.
Example: The company will want its ads in hard-to-reach areas or places that give an honest depiction of their product or service.
What kind of message does the ad project?
Your advertising campaign will also depend on how you want to get your message across. "You need to select an ad with a purpose," Conklin said. "Is the goal of this ad to inform, to entertain or persuade? How do you want your audience to feel when they see your ad?"
Example: If a company would like its customers to think that it is an environmentally friendly business, it is going to create ads that show the public what green practices it has or maybe using celebrities or people everyone can relate too that have a good track record with being green.
How many times will someone see the ad?
"The last point is that you need to know how long your ads will be on the air," Conklin said. "You should be sure they are timed correctly, or you may find that no one is using them." Advertising can be a good way to advertise your business, but it's important to make sure you plan accordingly because if not it may not work out as planned.
Example: If a company decides that its ad campaign will cover two months and its target audience is twenty year-olds, the company may want their ad to air on television, in magazines and online so people can see it in all three of those areas.
No matter who your target audience is, what you are advertising and how this will affect your business, effective ads help to get the word out to those who need to hear it. If you take the time to consider these four points, you'll be better prepared for success. [ARTICLE END]
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