Finally - A Top Secret Way You Can Get Google AdWords Pay-Per-Clicks FREE


 Finally - A Top Secret Way You Can Get Google AdWords Pay-Per-Clicks FREE

Do you want more exposure to your website, article or blog post on Google Search? With this secret technique, you can get as many Google AdWords pay-per-clicks as you want, without paying any money for them.

What is this magic trick that's got everyone talking? Here's the top-secret formula: Find a keyword phrase with long, simple search results and low competition. Then all of a sudden come up with an alternate meaning for it that has never been searched for (for example: "finally" instead of "find").

It's a brilliant trick and in my opinion one of the best ways to get a backlink to your website. Since most people don't know what "finally" means or why it's considered a good keyword, Google will treat it as an original phrase with low competition. So you end up getting more impressions with your content, which increases the chances of visitors clicking through on your ads.

How Should You Use It? Honestly, this is kind of advanced stuff that I can't really explain in detail. But let's just say that it's ideal to use on a newly released blog post (or in this case article) that's going to get a lot of on-page visibility.

The reason is because you're going to be getting more people coming into Google who'll type in your exact phrase. So make sure the content is written from a logical point of view and is well-optimized for the search terms you used. A great way to optimize for this is by including LSI keywords (and long tailed related phrases) within the article, as well as plugging in other keywords/key phrases throughout it.

What Are The Upsides? As soon as you start using this technique you could be getting a flood of traffic to your website. All without ever having to pay a dime for advertising. What's not to like?

The biggest upside of all is that once your ad starts running, it's basically working 24/7 at getting targeted visitors to your site. This is why I recommend doing this with longer blog posts (or better yet, ones that you have yet to publish) so that you can build up more links, social media shares and traffic over time.

Who Will Find This Most Useful? Honestly, any business owner could use this trick to get more eyeballs on their content for free. It's crazy easy to do and you can set it up in under a minute.

The most obvious businesses are those who are trying to rank higher in Google for certain phrases that they're currently getting paid for. If your product or service is something that people will search for (or want) on Google, then this trick is going to get those people onto your website. Which means more leads, more conversions and more money.

If you want to use this on your existing website, the first step is simply plugging the keyword phrase into a Google Adwords campaign and then setting up an ad.

If you have a new website that you haven't even launched yet, then your first step will be to create a landing page for the product or service (since this is where the ad will direct users). Then add Google Analytics to it and start tracking visits by search phrases. Once you see a few visitors coming in from using that phrase, simply write up a blog post and optimize it so that it will rank well in Google.

Then once the article starts ranking for those keywords, quickly whip up an ad campaign so that you can start getting traffic to your site.

Note: I haven't tried this technique for a while and I'm not sure if it works anymore. The reason is because Google constantly updates their algorithm and your keyword may get blocked or demoted any day now. That's why you should only use this on content that hasn't been published yet.

How To Do It

Here's how to do it: simply plug the keyword phrase into Adwords (with a click-to-call ad) and then start promoting your article using the same ad code.

Note: to make sure that your ad doesn't get blocked you should use this technique on "SEO" related keyword phrases (and not necessarily pay per click ones). So if you're writing an article about how to rank higher in Google, then type "how to rank higher in Google" into AdWords and see what it gives you.

This is the same way I used keyword packing back in the day, which is one of the main reasons why I was able to drive thousands of visitors a month from Google to my websites. It's a great trick that anyone can do and it works especially well if you have new content that hasn't been heavily shared/re-linked yet.

Note: Spend some time plugging the keyword into Google Search and seeing what it comes up with. In the beginning you may want to tweak the ad so that it's targeting a phrase that's closer to what you are writing about. This will help make sure that your content ranks high for your perfected phrase and not a bunch of long-tail ones.

Also, don't go overboard by trying to rank for every single keyword with your article or blog post. When I did this in the past I was using ridiculous phrases like "the only way" or "best way to…" because they were getting very little competition (I'll explain why below).

But you should only focus on a specific phrase that you think has relatively low competition. In most cases you don't need a ton of competition for this to work. The key is to find one that ranks for less than 100,000 searches every month and also isn't very long (8 words or fewer). Once you have a keyword that fits these criteria, do the following:

Get Domain Authority + Keywords

This is another one of my favorite tricks. It's one of the best ways to quickly improve your visibility in Google (especially if you're not ranking for any of your target keywords) and it also helps with future backlinks from authoritative websites.


As you can see, there are many ways to get more visitors from Google with hardly any work. The key is simply knowing which one works best for your particular business and then putting it into action immediately.

If you want more tips like this make sure you subscribe to the Viral Content Buzz newsletter. I send out a new marketing tip like this every two weeks and the best part is that you'll also get a free copy of my Uncommon Millionaire audiobook (usually sells for about $20).

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