Get more results from Promotional Products


 Get more results from Promotional Products

This is a fantastic post to help you get the most out of your promotional products campaign. If you're looking for tips on how to stand out, these tips will definitely provide some helpful insight and ideas which will take your next campaign from simply good to amazing!

-Alyssa Kehoe, Marketing Manager at GreenPalms Promotional Products

We all know that promotional products are great for marketing. However sometimes we find ourselves leaning back in our chairs and kicking our feet up onto the desk with a glass of water in hand before we go through the trouble of ordering custom logoed pens or branded mugs. We see the benefits. We know that custom promotional products make us stand out from the crowd. What we don't always do is take action to get them!

Your post today is proof that you've taken the time to write one of the most comprehensive articles I've seen on this topic. I'll be adding it to our plugin so that we can help other people who are finding it difficult to get more value out of their promotional products program.

Thanks again for taking the time to write this fantastic post and share it with our audience. – Tom Wadlow, Plugin Creator, Office AutoPilot

When it comes to marketing, there's nothing more powerful than giving away branded items. In fact most of the people reading this guide today have received at least one promotional product in the past year alone! They're everywhere: expos and conventions, conferences and meetings, tradeshows and trade shows. Anywhere that people are gathered together, promotional products are there to help you grab attention.

If you don't want to stand out from the crowd and grab some customers, what are your options?

You can simply pay someone to draw a custom logo on your promotional products. So if you've done that before, or if you have a marketing team with someone who could do it for free, feel free to skip this section. For everyone else in the world, this is how custom promotional products are made!

You can also invest in items like paperweights and t-shirts. However that's just throwing money out the window because once people see those items they're gone – you'll never get them again. That's not to say that investing in branded promotional products is a waste of money. We do have a whole section on this in this post, which will help you learn how to invest your money wisely and make the most of it.

Or you can go custom with your promotional products. But you need to be strategic about it. You can't just throw a logo onto any old item, that's going to get you cheap results. If you want to make an impact, you need to create items for your brand that people will actually want to keep and use. If people see your logo on an item they like using, then they're going to keep it and show it off like a badge of honor. They're going to tell everyone they know about it, too!

That doesn't mean you have to get anything custom-made. You can also buy items in bulk and just put your logo on them. Usually you can do this with t-shirts and key chains or pens, for example.

So what's the difference between custom and mass produced items?

Independent creators can create whatever they want, so you can have a t-shirt made with your logo on it and a snazzy keychain. If you want to add something like an imprint on the item for extra appeal, that's also possible. Alternatively, you could create something totally unique that no one else has ever seen!

When you buy them in bulk at wholesale or wholesale prices, you'll see lots of options that are different to your standard mass produced items available online. There will be something there for everyone, especially if your brand is in demand.

If you buy in bulk, you'll find that most places will have different sizes available for each item. So these are usually a bit more economical since they're cheaper to produce. You can get all your printing stuff together and just go through that process instead of having to create custom items again and again.

It's a much better bargain if you work out what the costs are before you order, though! If you don't, then you could end up paying more than necessary! The average cost of doing this is around $1 per item at wholesale prices – but obviously it varies. And there are hundreds of promotional products to choose from!

There's also the option of buying them one-off and having them custom-made. That will be more expensive per unit, but it's still cheaper than getting something custom-made on your own.

You should also know that you can get free shipping with promo items as well! Some products come with free shipping as standard, whereas others have separate packs that you can buy to get that perk. It depends on what you want to do and whether you want everything in one order or not. Shipping is usually around $4 at most for independent creators.

If you want to start building your promotional product business, here are some great places to get started:

-Joel Hansen, Founder at Footprint Promotional Products

You've hit the nail on the head! I have worked with GreenPalms Promotional Products for almost 10 years now. Tom and his team have been nothing short of awesome, helpful and professional. They help me in my search for just about any type of promotional items. I have worked with all of their products but their stickers are my favorite and it always gets me great results. I can order a custom box of 500 for about $250, which comes with a die cut sticker and then I tag on my own logo! Great service, great company just overall great!!!

-Lorena, CEO at RoseTints

I think it's really important to find a reputable company when you're purchasing promotional products. There are many companies out there that focus on one type of product. It's important to find someone who has the biggest inventory possible, who is extremely knowledgeable about their products and their customers and who can assist with design and delivery worldwide. I have worked with GreenPalms for about 10 years now or so.


There are so many options for creating a promotional product business and every one will suit you perfectly. The fact that there are so many options is great because we can all find something that works for us.

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