Get number one ranking on Major Web sites


 Get number one ranking on Major Web sites

How to Get #1 Ranking on Major Web Sites
Everyone knows that getting ranked high in Google is important. What many may not realise is that rankings are important across multiple search engines. In this blog post, we'll go through some of the most essential ranking factors and how you can implement them to make your site stand out from the competition online.

What you should read:
The 37 best websites to learn something new
The 37 best websites to learn something new 
##What are you waiting for? ##A blog post listing the top 37 sites for learning a new subject or skill like coding, cooking, home repair or even hypnotism! They offer a wide range of topics and will teach you practically anything for free.

The Ideal Resume Summary
The ideal resume summary isn't just a one-liner -- it's a paragraph that summarizes your skills and achievements in a way that will make employers want to hire you. It imparts the most important information while still leaving room for details.

Niche-Based Geotargeting: How to Get Local Customers in New Places
Geotargeting isn't just for local businesses -- it can be useful for many businesses, from selling products online to specific areas when you don't have an established customer base yet. Here are some tips for utilizing geotargeting to reach customers outside your immediate location.

What you should do now
##1.  Sign up to the biggest social media sites.  Now is a really good time to sign up, because if you are using this post as a guideline, then you will have at least 50 new posts to use on each one, which should give you an advantage over the others.
##2.  Get onto Twitter, Facebook and Google+ now. Take some time out and set these up properly so that they will be active when you start posting in six weeks' time.
##3.  Learn how to use each platform. Take time and learn the basics of each one, as this will make it much easier for you in the future.
##4.  Find out what keywords you should be targeting for your business. This can take a little bit of research, but it is well worth the effort when you see some impressive results from what you have put in.
##5.  Find a great link shortener. A shortlink is like a mini-URL that you can use when you are quoting someone on Twitter.  Shortlinks can be really good for getting more out of Twitter and Facebook, as you can use them in your tweets, status updates and so on.
##6.  Go back to your old blog to squeeze any more keywords in there. WordPress is great because it allows you to customize the look and feel of each page, but the keywords in your posts will inevitably be at the bottom of the page or hidden away somewhere else. By using a good link shortener, you should be able to include extra targeted words into each post, giving an even better result than before.
##7.  Strategize your posts. Just as with the old blog, you might find this post is more successful when it describes things in a more linear way (i.e., never start a post with "WOW", "Did you know" etc.). This can be really useful when you have lots of content to share.
##8.  Nurture your relationships on social media, whether that's Twitter or Facebook, and use them as a good platform for future posts and links.
##9.  Put some effort into coming up with a great logo or avatar (i.e., the image next to your posts) which will allow you to make a lasting impression on people who read your blog posts.
##10.  Plan out how you are going to use this on your website and in any other places where you have an internet presence, like your email signature.
##11.  Find a way to automate or streamline the whole process so that you can focus on other things.
##12.  Make a list of other blogs you can share this with. If you have some friends who have good blogs which fall into the same niche as you, then make sure that you link to them from your blog and spread the word about their posts. Likewise, make sure that they reciprocate by linking to your blog.
You should consider doing each of these step in six weeks time when we will be tackling different parts of this post again. Then, after twelve months, come back to this post and see how much more traffic your blog has generated over the previous year!
So that's it for now. Within the next few weeks we will be starting the ranking process and showing you how to rank a blog on Google in six weeks and beyond.
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Published at  on November 26, 2012 Written by: Darshana Jayasundera Original article here: [ARTICLE END]
A one paragraph summary with your favorite keyword on each post -are you kidding me?
What is this trash? Who is writing this stuff? How many times can I use the same article I have at least 10 of them. Are they just trying to fill up space or what? In any case they need to get rid of that crap and hire a professional writer. This is just not working for me, very disappointed in the quality of this blog, and now even less motivated to rank my blog.

Do follow those steps to rank your blog on top of Google search engine. But if you want to achieve a greater result, then use these tools to achieve a better ranking result.
Some tools I recommend are as below:
WordPress Backup Plugin : Backup Buddy The Most Powerful WordPress Backup Plugin!   You might be seeing at least 1 or 2 websites everyday offering free plugins for you to get a higher rank on Google. Their promises are big but their consistency is poor. The reason why I'm asking is because there are so many of them and it's hard just to give them a try.

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