Get Paid To Shop & Eat


 Get Paid To Shop & Eat

Are you looking for a quick idea on how to make some extra cash? Do you want to increase your quality of life and earn money while staying home with your kids? Many people are able to find success by simply creating their own business with just a little bit of work.

This article explains the 12-step process of starting up your own online or offline business where you can eat what you want, shop the things you love, and focus on what’s important-life. There are many ways this has worked for people ranging from $7,000 in revenue to $1,000 per month - it really does depend on an individual's skillset.

The most important part of any business is the income potential. And even more important than your niche, what you sell, or what skills you possess is how much you are earning per month. I've been able to increase my income threefold while staying home with my kids :-)

1. Start a blog (or website) where you share your experience and expertise. If it's good, people will continue to visit and read - thus marketing yourself works! Why don't we invest in advertising for your new blog? Make $150-$400 within 48 hours!

2. Start a membership site to help people with certain problems / needs from around the world (e.g. health, relationships, personal growth & more), and market yourself as the best solution to these problems. I've personally been able to sell 1,000 memberships with an up-sell and down-sell within a month's time. The best part is that the cost per lead is ZERO if you know the right strategies!

3. Start an online affiliate program where you offer people products / services in exchange for a commission of their each sale that they make. This is by far my favorite way to earn money online because I'm able to sell things that I truly believe in while also building a business of my own. Companies like CJ or ShareASale will help you get started - it's really that simple!

4. Start selling the right way! I'll be the first to admit that selling takes time, effort and practice.There are many ways to sell things online - e-mail lists (webinars, coaching sessions, etc.), pay per click campaigns (SEO, PPC), affiliate programs (affiliate marketing), membership sites (affiliate marketing)...I'm not implying that one method is better than another - it's up to you. Many of these methods can generate great income if you do them correctly!

5. Connect with companies in need of your expertise or services and offer to help for a fee. Companies need help online, offline and in everyday situations. I've seen people assist with website design, marketing, writing services, photography and more. The sky is the limit - you just need to find out what people are willing to pay for or are willing to trade their information for.

6. Design things that other people would want to buy and sell them on eBay & Etsy. This is a great method for individuals who have an artistic ability such as jewelry, painting, digital art and more! Again - zero cost per lead because you're able to sell your own products :-)

7. Get paid by Blogs & Websites (sites like Huffington Post) for posting articles that pertain to your area of expertise / business. Many of these sites will pay you up to $50 for every article you write. The reason why I like this idea so much is because (1) you can get pieces published that pertain to your business and (2) it's another marketing strategy in which people will be directed back to your website.

8. Create a course where you teach people how to do something that they want YOU to do - a great example is creating an online course on how to create websites, sell products online and other related topics. You can charge your students monthly for access or charge a one-time fee for the whole course at once. Many successful coaches and businesses are using this method in the world of personal development!

9. Create a membership site to help people who are already selling their own products. The best part is that you are able to promote these products on your site and get paid a commission on each product sale. This particular method has worked very well, especially for those who have created informational products such as e-books, videos and more.

10. Create an online course about something in which you’re an expert! If you know how to do something really well, teach it to others :-) You can sell these courses or give them away in exchange for the e-mail addresses of your students / customers so that you can continue building your database using newsletters, blog updates, etc.

11. Create an offline business with the potential to expand online. Offline businesses such as dog training, fitness coaching, blogging & blogging coaching, counseling and more are great ways to get your business off the ground. Once you have established yourself and have proven that you can help people - take it online :-)

12. Start promoting affiliate offers on your site(s) that people will be interested in - don't just randomly pick products! I personally like Clickbank because they have an excellent selection of digital products and make it super simple for you to promote them online.

Remember: these are only ideas...I don't expect every one to work out! But maybe you can find some of these methods helpful to you.

I'm scheduling a phone call with my team (I've got several) where I'll be discussing individual and team revenue and how we are going to begin growing our business. I'll be speaking with my team in detail about what we have done this month and what we plan to do next month so that everyone knows their individual and collective roles. I've accomplished a lot this month - and I'm planning on giving myself a big pat on the back for a job well done :-)

If you are an entrepreneur or want to learn more about the business world please register for my upcoming Business Training events:

June 15th, 2013: Online Business Overview - This is an overview of how you can create an income with your skills, products & services.


I've basically touched on a few of my favorite methods that I use to both grow businesses and generate income. As always, I'm interested in hearing your comments and ideas so feel free to share with us!

If you are interested in learning more about the business world, we have a new course called Business Basics that’s perfect for those who want to learn the basics of running a business & what’s involved with owning one. This is an awesome companion course if you ever wanted to start your own business! There are 3 different options available (basic, premium & gold) depending on how much information you would like.

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