Hold That Hold...Please!


 Hold That Hold...Please!

This is a blog post about how to hold your toilet paper roll at just the right height, so that you don't end up with a giant sticky mess on your hands. You can show off your skills by trying to stay ahead of the game. Here are some of my favourite tricks!

1) Hold the roll between forefinger and thumb
2) Drape it over back of left hand, thumb pointing upwards and ring finger pointing downwards on either side of the middle finger. The top fold should now be over the middle and index fingers. 3) With grip still tight, take bottom edge in left hand and pull towards you several times away from where your hand is positioned (this will create enough resistance for holding). A 'high-five' grip will come out of the roll. 4) Let go and there should be no problem balancing the roll between your index and middle fingers. The roll will not slide around like toilet paper normally does, making it easy to wrap around things.
We have all seen people with a very messy left hand after attempting this trick (however it's usually because they're using their thumb to spin the roll).
5) Hold on to anywhere on the roll, but keep thumb outside finger loop. 6) Twist in opposite direction of previous step (sideways towards you). 7) Continue in this fashion until you've reached the end of the roll, then make a similar gesture as mentioned above for 1). It's important to keep the same grip from step 1 to 7. 8) If you didn't manage to get a high-five result, try drawing the roll back and resetting for step 1.
What about all these new variations of toilet paper roll tricks?
It's the mid-1980s and I'm 8 years old! Oh wait, that wasn't me. It was my 10 year old brother David and we're in my parents living room, on our hands and knees with a roll of toilet paper between us, trying to wrap one end around his waist and then spin it into a 'high-five' as seen in previous steps.
This is not an incriminating photo, David. We were playing some great game and we still both love it.
I'm not sure if this is a common toilet paper roll trick but my family has just discovered how cool it is to run you fingers around over the top of the roll in a circular motion to create a whirly-whirl effect that makes the toilet paper go all around in circles. It's much less messy than the standard method. (If this tip doesn't seem credible, then you're probably reading from a foreign blog and don't know what's going on.)
You shouldn't spend too much time building momentum with these tricks. If you get stuck and can't do them the way they are meant to be done, then let go! You're probably like me and have been holding the roll upside down all this time. The whole point of this trick is to wrap up your toilet paper.
Your toilet paper roll should now be as delicate as a porcelain tea cup. If you're ever in a situation where there isn't a roll of paper handy, try using just your fingers from here on out. It's not bad at all!
More Toilet Paper Roll Tricks
Q: "What about attaching a flag or stickers to your tubes? My husband refuses to use our bannisters."
A: "That's really cool," I thought. It turns out the "opposite direction" tip for step 6 is what you need for this.
Q: "What about colouring in some of the designs in funky colours?"
A: I'm sure that's a great idea and would look great as well.
This is all very exciting! Is there anything else you'd like to know? Feel free to use the comment section below! Oh, I almost forgot...
Q: "You forgot a lot of steps there!"
A: Yeah, sorry about that. I guess it just comes naturally. I'm sure you're just a natural too but if you still want to ask me a question, then feel free to use the comment section below!
P.S. I'll be posting another blog soon about how to hold your cellphone at the right angle. (This one is really hard!) In the meantime, if you want to know more about me, feel free to use the comment section below!
Until next time...
P.P.S. A counter added in just for fun: 31 views, 3 ratings and no comments...so far! ;)


That was it! I hope you enjoyed my blog on how to make your toilet paper roll dance, spin and whirl. I'm sure that kids have been doing this for ages, it just took me a while to do the same thing as a boy.
If you're not familiar with this article, then hopefully you've learned something new today and are now excited to use your new skills!"
You could also try holding the roll between forefinger and thumb.
Your finger should be close to the end of the roll sticking out only very slightly. If necessary you can put your other hand over the top of the roll so it won't slip out of your grip."
I wouldn't know...

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