Home based small business – boon or a bane?


 Home based small business – boon or a bane?

Not every entrepreneur is cut out to be a small business owner. For some, the idea of having their own product or service in addition to their day job can seem daunting. Because the world is constantly changing, it can be difficult to make sure you're staying on top of your industry, keeping up with your competition, and handling all aspects of owning a small business yourself. Other entrepreneurs see the home based small business opportunity as a strength that gives them greater flexibility and agility compared to some other forms of entrepreneurship

It's important for entrepreneurs who are considering becoming a home based small businesses that they examine what kind of person they want to be in order to decide whether the possibility is right for them. Success is not as much about making money in some cases as it is about being able to sustain the lifestyle you want and enjoying yourself.

The popularity of home based small businesses can be attributed to several main factors. The first driving force behind this growth has been technology. Before the Internet was invented, it was hard for a business owner to keep up with the market being on site all of the time, and you could only sell your products locally, so if you wanted to expand your business, you needed to go through a lot of trouble physically moving your company from place to place. Now anyone with a computer, Internet connection and some work space has access to prospects all around the world at their fingertips anytime they need them.

A personal computer has also made it possible for entrepreneurs to work from virtually anywhere. The only requirement is access to a reliable Internet connection and a home office space with enough free desk and storage space for the business owner to be able to do their job.

Home based small businesses have also become much more about lifestyle than ever before. People enjoy being their own boss, working from wherever suits them, and being able to make their own hours. They don't have to concern themselves with employees who are lazing around all day, lack motivation and might quit at any time. Moreover, they can use the type of work schedule that suits them best instead of having one that fits other people's working habits which is not ideal for everyone.

For some people, the freedom of working from home is an opportunity to spend more time with the family. Being able to take child care or elderly care without worrying about finding someone who can come in and hang out, or not being able to care for your child and not being able to take him/her on trips without having someone else accommodate your needs.

The other main factor that makes home based small business attractive for people is the fact that it doesn't require as much money and no employees as many other types of businesses do. Many entrepreneurs start with little money of their own but still manage to make a decent living doing something they enjoy doing. Some creative ways of making money include licensing your product and selling the rights to resell, affiliate marketing where you can get commissions for referring your customers to someone else, or advertising on sites like craigslist.org to sell goods at a discount.

The best part about working from home is that you don't have to deal with a boss who might be overbearing, unreasonable or even passive aggressive in their demands. You can come and go as needed and not worry about an unpleasant encounter with an employer who's overly demanding or doesn't take into account how your needs might change over time.

Some people even get home with their new business idea, build it out and launch it right away. The beauty of home based small businesses is that no matter how big or small they are, they all have the same basic business structure and can function without having to hire additional employees. For the entrepreneur who is thinking about starting a home based small business but may not know where to begin, it's important to realize that many people are already doing this.

Many entrepreneurs start out by creating a website for their product or service on sites like WordPress or GoDaddy.com and then use paid advertising like Google Adwords or Facebook to promote their website online. They would also make brochures and other marketing materials, so that when customers are ready people can be easily contacted. If they need to fill their customer service needs, they could hire virtual customer service representatives who can work from home to answer emails, phone calls and chat requests to their company 24/7.

Another way of starting a home based small business is taking one of your hobbies and turning it into a product or service that you offer to the general public. For example, if you love painting, you can sell pictures somewhere online like Etsy.com or at your local craft fairs. Or if you like cooking, you can sell your food products at local farmer's markets or online as well.

If you don't want to be a business owner, but want to make money from home and do what you enjoy and maybe even help others to live their life in the same way, then you can consider becoming a Virtual Assistant. There are many opportunities online that allow you to do this such as Odesk.com or Elance.com.

There are many advantages to running your own home based small business. The level of freedom, lower costs, and the lifestyle you get to live by opening your own home based business are all benefits that can make the world a much more enjoyable place for a lot of people to live in.

About the Author: If you would like more details about how to start a home based small business and make money from home, visit Start Working From Home Today.com now. You'll find all the information you need on that topic!

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/small-businesses-articles/the-hidden-advantages-of-a-home-based-small-business--1045702.html




Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7252945 - The Hidden Advantages of A Home Based Small Business. By: Jason Vanderwall, M.D.


The Hidden Advantages of A Home Based Small Business has provided a few valuable points that will definitely help you starting your home-based business. Before you decide to start working in your office all day, what would be better than a work from home small business? What do you want to do? You can be an entrepreneur, sell products online and make money online, or take a hobby and turn them into business opportunities. Working from home is a great idea for those who have not yet started their own company. More and more people are finding benefits of having the freedom working from home.

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