How to Build a Print Business Without Owning A Print Shop


 How to Build a Print Business Without Owning A Print Shop

Have you ever wanted to build a print-on-demand business without owning a print shop?

Even though you might like the idea of printing designs on demand, you can't actually afford to run your own shop. You don't have an investor who will buy in and help with all of the expenses. Or maybe it's just that, out of all the things in life, running a print factory just doesn't sound like your cup of tea.
This is a common problem for designers and anyone who wants to sell designs online. But it shouldn't stop you from building a successful print-on-demand business. All you need to do is find the right printer to work with.
A partner that understands that there's more to running a print business than just printing products and sending them out into the world.
Instead of rushing the orders through, they should be carefully inspected, packaged neatly and shipped with care, with you at the core of their business model. And all you should have to do is think about creating cool designs and growing your customer base, not fret over orders getting lost or damaged in transit.
Sounds too good to be true? It may very well be. But there's another way.
With that in mind, here are some tips on how to build a print business without owning a print shop that you might find useful:
Choose Your Partner Wisely
There are plenty of printers out there, and they all do similar things. The trick is finding the right printer for you. Just because you choose a partner based on price doesn't mean that he or she will be willing to take risks with the quality of their product and their services.
There are things you should consider before making that choice:
·         Price: Few printers will offer out-of-this-world deals, but there are certainly some that are more competitive than others. You can do your research to find the printer that is just right for you. Keep in mind, however, that cheap isn't always the best option. Always opt for the most affordable printer when it comes to printing your designs. You'll be surprised at how much more you can save with a high-quality print shop.
·         What kind of materials do they offer? Are they bulkier, like stickers, or are they more like stickers in that you're not going to want people to get close to them?
·         What kind of machines do they have available? The size and speed of production will determine how many orders you can place at once, and the price will depend on that. Can you choose between color or black and white? How about the type of paper? Some printers may have exceptional printing capabilities but just be slow in other areas.
·         How many years have they been in business? It may be hard to trust a new printer, especially if you've never worked with them before. But some printers are so new that you never have to worry about your prints getting lost or damaged in transit because they've yet to establish a good track record for quality.
·         Who are their previous clients? Even though you may be very excited about working with a print shop, trust is part of the equation. Filling out that request form and pulling up their website isn't enough proof of their credibility. You can ask around, too – your local friends, business owners and other designers who use their services should be able to help you out.
Of course, looking for a printer that fits all of the criteria just listed is a lot of work. If you have any questions about which to choose, don't hesitate to contact me. I might have some ideas for you!
The Right Partner is Essential
You'll find a number of printers out there that seem like they should fit the bill. But between their price and their services, it seems hard to choose between them when each has its pros and cons. It's also hard to find one printer that will suit your needs completely.
Here are some things to consider:
·         When a client needs their print order and your potential partner sends him or her an estimate, how long will it take? If the printer has a good reputation, then you can see that they are quick and efficient—even fast. If they're just starting out, you may have to wait longer before you get your prints, but that might be worth it if you have confidence in the quality of their work.
·         Does the printer offer free shipping? This should be a no-brainer. Delivery costs can be expensive, especially if you live far away from your chosen print shop, so getting it free is a huge perk.
·         What do they charge for additional services? If you're printing business cards and stickers, are they priced in the same way or do you pay for them separately?
·         Do they offer discounts for bulk orders? Printing stickers in bulk will actually save you money, so when you find a printer that offers discounts for large-scale orders it's like finding money on the ground.
·         Can you get a time frame for the turnaround? This is important especially if you're running a business and need the print finished right away. You don't want to have your designs sitting around waiting in limbo while you wait to hear back from the printer.
·         How long do they take to process orders? Some printers can take weeks, while others can arrive at your doorstep in just a few days.
Choose a Reputable Friend
One of your potential partners will eventually turn into your printer, but it's not going to happen overnight, so don't get too frustrated with how long it takes to find the right partner.

Now you have a list of factors to take into account when choosing your printer. For more information about printing, make sure to check out the print process infographic .
I hope this was an insightful read! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave a comment down below. I would love to hear from you!
Thank you for reading - and I hope it helped! Until next time... :)
Hello My Lovely Dears,
I am so excited today! Today is the day of which my blog officially turns 1 year old. Hooray for me! I can't believe how fast time flies by sometimes. Here we are now at the beginning of December, almost at the end of 2013....

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