How to Create Product Names that Sell and Tell


 How to Create Product Names that Sell and Tell

"What do you think of when you hear the word 'snake-oil'? If not, then I'm sorry to say but your days in the snake oil industry are numbered."

This blog post is about the importance of creating great product names. We'll talk about some things that should always be avoided and show you how to beef up a product name so it has a better chance at becoming a hit.

In this blog post, we'll talk about some things to avoid when naming your product or any other type of business for that matter. One thing that should never be done is using any animal names or words related to food and nutrition because it will be too hard for customers to imagine your product. Also, avoid using the word 'oil' in a product name because it reminds customers of snake oil or any other type of oil they can buy.

Other words that should never be used are 'free', 'overnight', 'new', and 'revolutionary'. Using these words can be good in some cases, but if you're selling snake oil or some type of supplement, then these words are to be avoided at all costs.

Okay so we've talked about what words to avoid and staying away from animal names and the word 'oil', so now what? The next step is to choose some words that will make customers excited to buy your product because they know it's going to help them.

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