How to get free advertising using online forums


 How to get free advertising using online forums

Online forums are a great way to get free advertising. You can do it through paid advertising or through getting your own signature approved for payment on the forum.

The first thing about this is that you need a niche that is popular enough with the forum to be able to do this. The second thing is that you need to be able to post at least one really good thread in it per week (this will vary, depending on the forum). This means either posting content of average quality or being an experienced and well-practiced member of the board. Quality posts are also very important - you can't spam your signature by posting mediocre content. It must be worth reading.

In order to achieve this level of activity, you will have to spend time on the board and become a part of that community. If you aren't willing to make such an investment, don't bother with this method. It won't work otherwise because the threads you post will be instantly considered spam (and possibly deleted without any payment for your posts). Creating a signature requires 10 posts and your account needs to have been approved for signature payment (which is also done here). You also need 5 full days on the board in order to create a signature. After that all you need is 1 quality post per day (it can be in any sub-forum, doesn't matter) to keep your signature paid for.

Now, after you have posted at least 10 threads and 5 full days have passed you can create a signature. It is really easy - just log in and click on "my forum profile" or "my signature". Once you are there, click the button to create one. You will be guided through the process step by step, so there is nothing to worry about. When your signature is created, it will be automatically placed into your profile. Now all that is left is to start promoting it and getting paid for your posts!

A good idea would be to spend some time analyzing your competition in the forum. Study their "advertising" as it is called and see what works for them and what doesn't. Another thing is to create some really good content that would be worth advertising. Making a signature isn't much use if it has really bad content on it - people will just think you are spamming the forum and won't search at all.

What you need to do in order to be paid for your posts is to contact the forum owner or someone with similar access and send him a PM with your signature link and account details (in about 10 forums, I get about $20 per day this way, which is not bad at all). The forum owner will then go to your profile and check your status (you can also check it by going to the "my forum profile" page).

If everything is okay, he will approve payment for your signature. It will be a matter of time until you start getting paid! If he denies it you should make sure that you are posting at least one quality thread per week. There is nothing more frustrating than being denied just because you don't post enough good content. The last thing that really sucks is if they keep on denying your posts after they have approved them - they can take them back at any time and it's not worth trying to get more than one payment per week due to this reason.


If you want to make money fast by advertising your signature, this is the fastest way. It works very well with forums since the quality of your content is more important than how many posts you have made. Also, it can be a very good way to make money via private signatures in your own sites, if you are looking for something quick and easy. It will take some time before you start being paid enough to consider this method - in my experience, I was able to start getting $20 per day after 3 weeks of forum activity.

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