How to Locate, Hire, and Work With an Article Writer


 How to Locate, Hire, and Work With an Article Writer

There are many people who are quite content with writing articles for a living and would have a difficult time imagining that there is any other way to make money. However, lots of people would like to expand their career into something that does not require them to spend all day writing on the computer.

Not only can article writers make money for their work, but they can also get paid well for it — those who choose the right niche and put in the time needed will often see their income double or triple within two years. This is no easy task and requires a lot of research and hard work. If you are interested in becoming a writer, this article will give you all the information you need to get started.

What Do You Need To Know?

The first thing you should know is that writing is not something that just anyone can do. Just because you wrote a few stories in school does not mean that you have the skills required to make money writing professionally. The first thing you will need to do is get your work out there for people to see and decide if it is worth their time and money.

The only way to do this is through sites like Elance or Guru where people post projects. It is important that you find a niche that people are willing to pay for and it is critical that you do not rush in with the first thing you come up with. You need to take your time and test different ideas until you find the one that sells. At the same time, you should not go overboard when writing your articles.

You will write a lot but keep in mind that if it is too long people will lose interest so focus your efforts on things that people actually want to read about. You should also make sure you have a way of getting feedback from people as soon as possible. This will help you write something that people actually want to read and pay for.

Once you have completed your first article, you should post it on a few sites like HubPages or eHow where you can get traffic from people who are looking for content. You will want your article to do well on these sites because the more positive feedback you receive the easier it will be to get jobs in the future.

You may also want to throw up a free website of your own with a blog so you can get readers and promote your work at the same time. It is also a good idea to have an email list because that way all of your followers will be notified whenever you put up new content.

How Do You Get Paid?

You are going to need a PayPal account because that is how most people pay. If you do not have one, you will need to get one because it is the easiest way to collect money from your customers. You will also want a business name and an LLC if possible since it will make it easier for you to deal with taxes and keep a record of your income.

The best part about being an author is that you can work at home and get paid daily, weekly, or monthly depending on how fast the client pays, although if you take checks then the process can take longer. You can also choose to do regular freelance or contract projects for people who are looking for a certain kind of writing.

What Can You Earn?

A lot of people would like to know how much earning potential they have and how long it will take them to get their first $10,000, but there is no easy way to find that out. Some people want to know the total amount of income they can expect by working 8 hours a day and doing all of the things that need to be done, but that is unrealistic. The best thing you can do is start writing and see what you end up making so you can set goals based on your actual income.

Some people will start off with a few hundred dollars in their first year and others will find that they make more than $10,000 in their first year. Again, it all depends on your niche and how much time you are willing to spend working on it. If you are patient, you can make up to $10,000 a month but if you rush then you may find that it takes longer than expected.

Where Can You Find Jobs?

One of the best ways to make money from writing is to sign up with a company and provide them with content for their websites. The best way to do this is to look at the list of sites that they have that have been paying the most recently, figure out what they are looking for, and then submit articles.

You should also find out how much it will cost to join their programs because if you are not willing to pay then you may as well go work for someone else or spend your time on something else. There are many companies who want people who can write about a wide variety of subjects and if you've got the right writing skills, then you should be able to find at least a few people willing to pay.

You could also get a job writing for a blog because you can use this as an opportunity to promote your business. There are many people who need writers for blogs and if you are interested in writing about something, you should look into it. You can even find high paying jobs by looking at the ads that people post on Kijiji.

Who Can You Work With?

Anyone who is willing to pay you will do, but make sure they are offering enough money so that it is worth your time and effort. Many people make the mistake of going after small jobs thinking they will get easier as time goes on, but that is not true. The only way to make the money you want to make is by working on big projects with good pay.

You should also consider what platform you want to be able to work with because some people will only offer freelance jobs while others will let you work strictly as an independent contractor. You may need a bit of experience under your belt before anyone will want to hire you on as a real employee, especially if it is full-time.

How Much Can You Earn?

The amount of money you will make is directly related to how much time you are willing to spend working. It is a good idea to set goals that are edgy but not ridiculous so that you can see how far you can push yourself. At the same time, you should remember that no one gets rich from writing unless they get famous, but if your niche really works then it is possible to make more than $10,000 a year by working with different clients.

If you do not have an established website or any kind of presence online, then it will be harder for others to find you and that means it will be harder for them to hire you.


There are many ways to make money from writing but that is only if you have what it takes to earn it. If you can manage to get your content shared on social media then you are more likely to succeed and the best way to do this is by using sites like Shareaholic. A good payout strategy will help you get more work and put more money in your pocket without too much effort, and a good platform for writers will cut down on the amount of time it takes for people to review your work.

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