How to Maximize the Benefits of a Networking Event?


 How to Maximize the Benefits of a Networking Event?

It's a well-known fact that networking is one of the most effective tools in your toolkit for success, but what you may not realize is that your time at these events can be spent more effectively. Here are ten tips on how to ensure you extract everything possible from any networking event.

1) Smile and make eye contact with those you meet. Eye contact speaks volumes and a smile doesn't hurt either! Other people will want to know who this formidable person is and whether they should take their break or grab coffee with them. Shaking hands (or hugging!) also helps us quickly establish connections.

2) Accept the invitation from the host. It might be tempting to wait for an invite from the person you're talking to, but don't. It takes time for introductions to happen and if you're waiting for that, then you're going to delay your networking opportunity by minutes or even hours because people are not going to want to make the effort of making a connection when they haven't seen you before. By accepting the offer of a networking event, you probably know some people there anyway so it makes sense that they'd welcome your participation. You will also get a chance to start conversations with them and let them know who you are and what your company does.

3) Meet outside of networking events too. When someone extends an offer to meet for coffee, take them up on it. But don't limit yourself to networking events either – there's no harm in connecting with others at their office, or at the gym or at a playgroup that you both happen to visit.

4) Grab food with people or talk about eating out too. I've found that this always leads to a conversation about food and there's no better way to break down barriers and get to know one another than talking about food!

5) Follow up! If you meet someone at a networking event, connect with them on LinkedIn or send them an email. This will help ensure both of you don't forget the connection.

6) Introduce people if you know they'd like each other. You may not have noticed but someone who is alone in networking events or who isn't working the room as much as others may be feeling a little shy and uncomfortable being there on their own. Offer to introduce them to other people or ask if they'd like you to introduce them to anyone yourself.

7) Plan your networking weekend or month. If you're heading to a networking event, it can be helpful to spend a few minutes thinking about what you want to achieve during your time there and how you're going to go about it. Maybe you want to grab coffee with five different people or you'd like to meet someone specific so ensure that you get an opportunity to talk with them.

8) Make valuable connections with people who can help your business grow. People often make the mistake of only trying out things such as networking because they think they need more clients and they think that's what networking events are for, but I've found that isn't the case at all. Networking is a great way to grow your network, which in turn helps open doors for new opportunities for you and your business. So don't just think of networking as a tool to find more clients – use it as a way to make valuable connections with the people that can help your business grow.

9) Be honest and open about who you are and what you do. When we're nervous, we tend to downplay our skills (and we often lie!) but you have nothing to lose by being honest about what you have to offer so say it loud and proud!

10) Ask people what they do and why they're there. This can be great for building rapport and showing that you care about them as people. But also check in to see what they're looking for (you can then offer to help them with that), why they are there, whether it is their first time and how they've found it. In addition, asking others about themselves reveals a lot about their passions and interests which helps you find common ground.

If you want to take your networking skills to the next level, let me help! I run a variety of contests on Facebook where we all learn from one another so join us at to start building your skills!

The above was my answer to the Networking for Business Inc Blog Hop, hosted by Turnkey Business Solutions. The host of all the blog hop posts is Turnkey Business Solutions: . I will be giving away a variety of prizes including a $50 Amazon Gift card and copies of my books: 5-Minute Networking Tips ( ) and 40-Minute Networking Tips ( If you have time, please stop by and visit the others who are hosting the blog hop. Thanks!

Over the next few days, I'll release a bunch of other marketing tips to help boost your business. Check back often!

Article Copyright © 2009-2014 Stephanie L. Esfrid, Professional Blogger and Small Business Marketing Expert. (All rights reserved.)


Stephanie L. Esfrid, Professional Blogger and Small Business Marketing Expert. (All rights reserved).



Tags: business, Career, Community, Marketing & Sales, Networking, success, tips & tricks, web 2.

Conclusion / Take-aways: If you have time, please stop by and visit the others who are hosting the blog hop. Thanks!

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Read Full Post » (2321 words, estimated 10:50 mins reading time) Posted by Stephanie L. Esfrid on March 8, 2013 in Blogging Tips & Tricks with No comments Feed The Content Marketing Beast! Doing research for my book 5-Minute Networking Tips, I discovered a common thread among many of the networking tips I've shared with you thus far – they all focus on the importance of developing relationships with people who can help your business grow.

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