Identity Theft of your Limited Company


 Identity Theft of your Limited Company

Do you own a limited company?

If your answer is YES, be aware that the company you work for has a high chance of being the victim of identity theft.

To get more information about how to protect your company from identity theft, read this article.


A very worrying study carried out by Experian, one of the main credit bureaux in UK, about identity theft has shown that there is a huge increase in the number of limited companies which are being used for illegal activities and become the subject of identity thefts.

According to this study, there is a 44% increase in the number of cases in which an individual's personal details have been used to set up and run a limited company.

The most common fraudulent activity performed with stolen personal details is the purchase of cars and properties, but this kind of data can be also used to open bank accounts or take out loans.

Therefore, a fraudster can create and run a business seemingly legitimate with your personal information and even gift or sell it to someone else.

The study carried out by Experian has shown that most of the identity thefts performed by using the stolen personal details were performed online.

Overall, 31% of the cases where a limited company was used for illegal activities were brought about online. Another common way for identity thieves to use stolen personal data to start a limited company is through ordering business cards on which the personal information of the victim is written or phoning companies with the purpose of setting up a fake account in the name of their victim.

There has been a considerable rise in identity thefts carried out on the websites of banks, government buildings and even police stations, in the past year.

In the UK, more than 10,000 people have been victims of these frauds. Experian predicts that this number will continue to increase.

Although thieves may be very clever in carrying out their crimes and use seemingly legitimate tools, they are also not very good at their job and a lot of them get caught after only one or two incidents.

If your company has a high chance of being the victim of an identity theft, take advantage of our special offer to protect it from this kind of crime: 1372 Limited Company Fraud Protection Service at £25.00 per month, with a minimum term of 12 months.

Or, if you need to start a new company now and want to protect it from frauds, take advantage of our 4-week Special Offer on ID Theft Protection Service at £25.00 per month.

Contact us to obtain more information. [/ARTICLE END]

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Article Source:
Identity Theft of your Limited Company
By admin on Thursday, December 21st, 2010
Do you own a limited company?
If your answer is YES, be aware that the company you work for has a high chance of being the victim of identity theft. To get more information about how to protect your company from identity theft, read this article.
Article Source:
A very worrying study carried out by Experian, one of the main credit bureaux in UK, about identity theft has shown that there is a huge increase in the number of limited companies which are being used for illegal activities and become the subject of identity thefts.
According to this study, there is a 44% increase in the number of cases in which an individual's personal details have been used to set up and run a limited company. The most common fraudulent activity performed with stolen personal details is the purchase of cars and properties, but this kind of data can be also used to open bank accounts or take out loans. Therefore, a fraudster can create and run a business seemingly legitimate with your personal information and even gift or sell it to someone else.
The study carried out by Experian has shown that most of the identity thefts performed by using the stolen personal details were performed online. Overall, 31% of the cases where a limited company was used for illegal activities were brought about online. Another common way for identity thieves to use stolen personal data to start a limited company is through ordering business cards on which the personal information of the victim is written or phoning companies with the purpose of setting up a fake account in the name of their victim.
There has been a considerable rise in identity thefts carried out on the websites of banks, government buildings and even police stations, in the past year.
In the UK, more than 10,000 people have been victims of these frauds. Experian predicts that this number will continue to increase.
Although thieves may be very clever in carrying out their crimes and use seemingly legitimate tools, they are also not very good at their job and a lot of them get caught after only one or two incidents.
If your company has a high chance of being the victim of an identity theft, take advantage of our special offer to protect it from this kind of crime: 1372 Limited Company Fraud Protection Service at £25.00 per month, with a minimum term of 12 months. Or, if you need to start a new company now and want to protect it from frauds, take advantage of our 4-week Special Offer on ID Theft Protection Service at £25.00 per month.
Article Source:
Identity Theft of your Limited Company
By admin on Thursday, December 21st, 2010
Do you own a limited company?
If your answer is YES, be aware that the company you work for has a high chance of being the victim of identity theft. To get more information about how to protect your company from identity theft, read this article. Article Source: A very worrying study carried out by Experian, one of the main credit bureaux in UK, about identity theft has shown that there is a huge increase in the number of limited companies which are being used for illegal activities and become the subject of identity thefts.
According to this study, there is a 44% increase in the number of cases in which an individual's personal details have been used to set up and run a limited company. The most common fraudulent activity performed with stolen personal details is the purchase of cars and properties, but this kind of data can be also used to open bank accounts or take out loans. Therefore, a fraudster can create and run a business seeming legitimate with your personal information and even gift or sell it to someone else.
The study carried out by Experian has shown that most of the identity thefts performed by using the stolen personal details were performed online. Overall, 31% of the cases where a limited company was used for illegal activities were brought about online.

Another common way for identity thieves to use stolen personal data to start a limited company is through ordering business cards on which the personal information of the victim is written or phoning companies with the purpose of setting up a fake account in the name of their victim.
There has been a considerable rise in identity thefts carried out on the websites of banks, government buildings and even police stations, in the past year.
In the UK, more than 10,000 people have been victims of these frauds. Experian predicts that this number will continue to increase.

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