New Tendencies in the Art of Advertising


 New Tendencies in the Art of Advertising

With the advent of digital marketing, consumers have grown a lot more resistant to traditional advertising tactics. The latest development in the world of advertising is called non-advertising. This unconventional, yet intriguing concept involves using products and services to connect with brands or individuals without promoting their company or products. This strategy has been used by companies such as Facebook Inc., Nike Inc., and even the Obama Campaigns for years now, but recently it has been embraced by a wide range of startups including Uber and Airbnb. If you're looking for how to take your career in an innovative direction, then this blog post will provide you with essential insights about what's new in today's rapidly evolving business world.

Airbnb is an online home rental marketplace that has created a way for users to make extra cash by renting out their homes or rooms to travelers on the site. Airbnb's idea of "sharing" has sparked the interest of consumers from all over the world, and with little marketing, its website has become one of the top 10 most visited websites in the nation. If you go to Airbnb's website and sign up, chances are you'll be surprised at how easy it is to post a listing or search for potential listings near your desired location. The website was founded in 2008 by Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia who together have helped shape this unique company into a successful business model. This company makes money by charging users a small fee each time they rent out their place to a traveler.

Uber is an app that allows users to hail a ride on their own smartphone. The primary purpose of this app is to provide riders and drivers with more convenience and service by enabling them to share a car while they're traveling. Drivers sign up through the website to become the official Uber drivers in the community and are then connected with party users who are in need of a ride in their area. As you might imagine, Uber has become extremely popular among its user base because it provides a service not normally provided by taxi companies or transportation companies (such as Ubers). Uber was founded in 2009 by Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp, and is available everywhere in the U.S., Canada, and Europe.

Facebook (ticker symbol: FB) is a social networking website that allows its users to create a profile which they can then use to share various types of information with their connections. People are also allowed to join groups as well as pages created for companies or individuals. Facebook has over 1.29 billion users worldwide and it's available in several different languages including English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese and Turkish. As of May 2014 Facebook had an estimated market capitalization of over $150 billion dollars making it the third most valuable company in the world after Apple Inc. and Alphabet Inc.

Each of these companies has created a new way to market their product or service while simultaneously making it easier for individuals to buy, sell, share and view products and information. Digital advertising originated in pop culture with the introduction of film and TV screens that had previously been used only for entertainment purposes. However, today's digital marketing is much more sophisticated. The rise of social media platforms like Facebook has helped introduce a completely new generation of consumers who are interested in experiencing more about their everyday lives through social networks. With the help of digital marketing, businesses can reach out to these consumers as well as connect with other businesses around the world who want to sell similar products or services. With all of these new developments, the future looks bright for the advancement of business marketing.

TAGS: airbnb, facebook, uber, digital marketing
Category: New Tendencies in the Art of Advertising | Views: 1612 | Added by : waynebrad | Rating : 5.0/1 | - Rate - Excellent Good Not bad Bad Awful Total comments : 0 Name *: Email *: Code *:

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"So you want to learn how to market..." was published on 19/01/16 in TDax #55 and is filed under Art & photography.

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