Nine Features of an Advertising Flop
Have you ever made a purchase or purchased a service because of an advertisement? You must have read some things about the brand, and it persuaded you that this organization was for you. There are many reasons why advertisers produce campaigns that do not work. Let's look at nine features of an advertising flop.
1) Poorly timed ads – For example, during World War Two, war bonds were advertised towards people who had far less disposable income than they would have had if there wasn't a war going on in the first place.
2) Unclear ads - If your target person doesn't understand what your product is or how it might make their life better, they're not going to buy what you're selling.
3) Misleading ads – Misleading ads are not ethical and never lead to good quality leads or sales.
4) Duplicate ads – If your competitor is running something similar, it's going to be hard for you to pull ahead of the curve.
5) Undesirable ads – If your advertisement is something that no one wants to look at or listen to, you're dead in the water. For example, "I'm so ugly", was a popular ad campaign that ran on shock value alone. No one wanted their brand connected with an emotionally and physically disfigured person, so the company had no chance in succeeding.
6) Lack of continuity – A campaign that lasts for a month or two and then disappears will not have an impact on the target audience. It's better to have a continuous flow of ads, even if it's every other week.
7) No budget – The worst way to advertise is to do so without adequate funds. If the ad isn't good enough, it won't do the job for you
8) Poorly written ads – It's absolutely vital that your ads are clearly written and easy to understand. If they aren't well thought out and organized in a logical manner, you're likely to lose sales.
9) No creativeness – Advertising agencies come up with some crazy ideas that really don't work. If you don't try new things and experiment with techniques that aren't conventional, you'll never know if something will work or not.
From the above, we can see that the success of an advertisement depends on many factors. A business cannot simply run ads and expect everything to fall into place. If you have a bad product and run good ads, it won't work. To succeed in any business venture, one has to be smart about what they do and how they go about doing it.
Have a look at one of the ways in which you could advertise your business - . This is a good site that deals with digital marketing strategy. It teaches you some basic knowledge about digital marketing and how to develop it.
About the author:
Mike Bonanno is a recognition management expert and the leading authority on online reputation management (ORM). He has created over 1,000 websites and profiles in total, including those for celebrities, organizations and corporations. He has earned over 70 degrees and certificates, including his MBA & PhD in business analytics. Mike is a leader of 25 associations that focus on creating useful content for entrepreneurs, marketers, analysts and authors. For more information about ORM visit
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For more information about digital marketing strategy read the article from at this link - . You'll also find many helpful articles about marketing.
Author's Resource Box
Mike Bonanno is a recognition management expert and the leading authority on online reputation management (ORM). He has created over 1,000 websites and profiles in total, including those for celebrities, organizations and corporations. He has earned over 70 degrees and certificates, including his MBA & PhD in business analytics. Mike is a leader of 25 associations that focus on creating useful content for entrepreneurs, marketers, analysts and authors. For more information about ORM visit Article Source: Image Source:
I want to firstly express my gratitude to the UK government and all agencies within the UK government who have helped me out. Many organisations that I am affiliated with in this blogosphere have helped me in these research processes and it is because of them that I am able to write this blog. There are many people who are not acknowledged who have also assisted with research, such as the family and friends of those mentioned.
In these blogs, I explore how I deal with advertising and marketing my business online. In doing so, it was essential for me to understand more about what makes a good idea for an online ad campaign work or fail.
This research was done in part to understand the effectiveness of my own advertising strategy and in part to gain some knowledge about marketing, but also for curiosity sake. I would like to thank all those who came on this journey with me and helped me out in so many different ways. I say this because I am now able to understand what works and what does not work when it comes to marketing an e-commerce business online.
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