Relax Your Customer


 Relax Your Customer

Many business owners discover that the customer is always right and that they must adapt to their needs. Although this has been a common business mantra for decades, it can lead to frustration on the part of the customer. Business owners often find themselves feeling trapped - trapped by their roles as employees, or trapped by their customers' demands.

To break out of this exhausting trap, you must learn to relax your customer. The customer is not always right, and you must have the ability to say this. You must also have the ability to focus on what your customers want even when they don't know it themselves.

In order to relax your customer, you must be able to quickly regain control of the situation when a customer becomes frustrated. You can do this by focusing on the customer's specific needs rather than all their wants and desires. You may need to show a little "tough love." If you do this correctly, you will be able to build stronger relationships with your customers - relationships that last for years and grow with every interaction.

To do this, you must learn to be assertive. What does it mean to be assertive? The term is derived from the words "assert" and "assurance." Together, these words mean that you are able to speak with confidence and certainty about what you believe as well as your ability to change the situation if it is not doing well. We often confuse being assertive for being aggressive. It is not. Aggressive people will often talk at their customers; they overwhelm them with information and barrage them with emotion-driven language. Assertive people calmly state their case and then listen with empathy.

If you manage to relax your customer, then you will find yourself maintaining excellent relationships with them after the sale. In order to do this, however, you must be ready to fail. If your customer is extremely upset or angry with you at any time after the sale, focus on the here and now at "the threat level." The goal is not to immediately placate your unhappy customer - that is impossible. The goal is to communicate what has happened, attempt to understand their needs more fully so that you can meet them more effectively in the future as well as sharing how much you care about what's happening for both of you.

If you relax your customer and do this effectively, you will see your relationship with them grow into a lifelong relationship that is as strong as it was during the sale. You will have lost nothing and gained so much.

About the author: Joe Cohen is a speaker, writer and consultant to help business owners improve their communication skills. He has coached hundreds of businesses to succeed in the marketplace. He can be reached at [email protected]

Copyright 2012 by Joe Cohen, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Source IP Development LLC does not own trade secrets or other proprietary rights to this material. Source IP Development LLC grants permission for reproduction of this material in whole or in part for non-commercial purposes only. If a reader wishes to reproduce this article, please contact us via electronic mail or by telephone.


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Steve Jobs was an incredible leader who changed the world many times over. He redefined entire industries with his revolutionary vision and iconic designs. He was a master at product design, marketing and the art of presentation. His ability to connect with people was like no other, allowing him to change the world through his unique brand of leadership. His story will be studied for years to come and his lessons learned by leaders in all industries.

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Not everyone is going to be the next Steve Jobs or Picasso. However, we can all learn a little something from them. The point is that we should learn how to lead, even if it's just a little bit better each time we do.

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About the Author: Joe Cohen is a speaker, writer and consultant to help business owners improve their communication skills. He has coached hundreds of businesses to succeed in the marketplace.

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