Sales Training - 'Confidence 101'


 Sales Training - 'Confidence 101'

"Confidence is a virtue that can persuade the buyer to make the purchase, close the sale or convert potential customers into paying customers."
- David D. Williams, Owner of The Confident Company

Selling online has never been easier, thanks to sites like Facebook and Instagram. Unfortunately for many sellers though, not all sales are created equal. There's a huge difference between someone who owns multi-million dollar homes and someone who buys from your garage sale on Sunday morning.
So how do you get your products noticed in the first place, by those with the means to buy? (or even sometimes just giving them a mention on social media?)
One of the best ways to make a sale is often overlooked. It's called building confidence. And all it takes is some basic sales training that shows you how to be confident.
The sales training program I teach is called 'Confidence 101' and it's available at
Like all of my programs, Confidence 101 is designed to help you build sales and increase profits. What sets it apart from other sales training programs is the way it builds sales confidence.
When it comes to building sales confidence and closing a sale, your attitude is often as important as the product, service or opportunity you're selling. And attitude is something you have total control over.
In fact, I've built my entire 30 year career on teaching people to be confident in everything they do - even if they're completely new to sales. In fact, I always say that if you know how to sell anything at all - even if it's just a few items for an upcoming yard sale - anyone can become confident enough to successfully sell anything.
And I'm here to prove you right.
Let me share a story...
In 2010, I was at the beach with my daughter and I told her that I wanted to take a picture of her with the ocean in the background. She agreed, so as I snapped away, she smiled and giggled with delight. And believe it or not - that photo of her over there laughing and playing with sand was one of my best selling photos ever!
See? Even simple things like taking a family photo can create instant sales confidence when used correctly.
That's because...
As you learn about sales techniques and sales training programs, I'll show you the exact steps to follow that can boost your confidence and turn simple interactions into life changing sales.
In fact...
I developed Confidence 101 from much of my own personal experience in business. After 20 years of teaching people how to have confidence - in business, in social situations and just about everything else - I've learned exactly what it takes to build sales confidence without sounding like a used car salesman.
And if you act now,  Confidence 101  is yours for only $15! That's a full 50% off the $29.95 retail price... 
I want you to succeed. I want you to be happy and successful in all areas of your life. And that starts with confidence. The easiest way to start building sales confidence... is doing it yourself!
See, I don't teach people how to be confident, I teach them how to build confidence as they learn how to sell... even things they're completely new to selling!
Please click on the green button below and take  advantage of this amazing price before it's too late...
(I'm so confident that Confidence 101 will help you build sales confidence, I'm offering a 60 day money back guarantee. To be completely sure it'll work for you, contact me at and I'll give you a full refund within 60 days.)
It's simple - almost too simple...
It's truly amazing to see the results I've seen others get when they started practicing sales skills. One of my students, who was totally new to selling anything at all, increased her profits by over 500%. Another student was able to close a sale because he felt confident using his product. And with Confidence 101 , you'll learn confidence building skills that you can use anytime.
The proven facts are:
1. People who know how to be confident have the confidence to have confidence!
2. People who are confident in different ways have confidence in different ways - because they've learned to be confident in many different ways!
What are you waiting for? 
If you want to get the most out of Confidence 101 , you must act now. The longer you wait, the more likely it is that someone else will be able to take advantage of this amazing opportunity...
The sooner you act, the better your chances are of building sales confidence and making sales for yourself or your business.
Now there's only one thing left... On the next page, I'll show you how easy it is to make a sale using just one simple technique...
Now that you're on your way to building sales confidence and making sales - I won't keep you any longer. Happy selling!!!
To your success,
David D. Williams
Founder - Confidence 101     (only $15!)
Email me anytime if you have questions about this program:         And don't worry: I'll be happy to take care of all technical issues for you so that the process is as smooth as possible. Please be sure to read my terms of service before ordering:
To your success,
David D. Williams
Confidence 101 is doing more for the people I coach than just about anything else I know about - and that's because it works so well for everyone! It's never been easier to build sales confidence and make sales!If you want to get the most out of Confidence 101 , you must act now...and don't worry: I'll be happy to take care of all technical issues for you so that the process is as smooth as possible. Please be sure to read my terms of service before ordering:
To your success,
David D.

I hope you enjoyed this article and that it helped you to see how easy it is to build sales confidence.
In this article, I showed you how life changing sales is about more than simply selling a product or making a sale - although those are vital steps.
When you work with me, I'll help you use the principles of confidence to make sales for yourself or your business. And when I say "work" - what I mean is that you'll find yourself being more confident in things where you're completely taking pictures of your family while they play at the beach with the ocean in the background.
These types of situations will become second nature to you.

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