Shift Your Growth into the Fast Lane by Engaging Your Customers


 Shift Your Growth into the Fast Lane by Engaging Your Customers

This article is an introduction to a blog post titled "Shift Your Growth into the Fast Lane by Engaging Your Customers".

Engagement is one of the most effective ways to grow your business, but it inevitably takes time and resources. Adopt these customer engagement tactics and watch your numbers skyrocket!

What's better than a strong customer base? One that keeps coming back for more, of course! When we're designing our products, we work with our customers at every step. We listen to their needs and deliver what they want — not just as customers, but as friends. And when we put forth effort in customer relations, it pays off in the end: Our rate of growth skyrockets year after year.

Here are a few ways we've managed to engage our customers and bring them back for more!

1) Start with what your customers want, not what your business needs.

If you're here, you probably run a business. In that case, you have things about your operations that you need to get done: marketing plans to set up and materials to order, invoices to file and taxes to pay. But first things first: When designing your product or service, start by asking yourself one question: "What do my customers want?" This simple question will help you focus on what's important — and ignore the stuff that isn't. Before moving on, be sure to write down everything they want. A good place to do it is on a piece of paper, on a whiteboard or in a spreadsheet.

2) Speak their language.

It's important that everyone in your company talks the same talk — otherwise, what's the point of having all those employees? What are they even saying to one another, anyway? For example, "Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help you." Sure — but that's not helpful! Our customers want something more: "Here's what I need." Hold your staff accountable for this simplicity. If they're not being clear and concise, find someone who can help them with the translation.

3) Make it easy for your customers to say "yes."

If you want your business to grow, you have to make it easy for a customer to buy from you — and then come back the next time they need something. One way we do this is by offering our customers lots of options. For example, we might offer them different colors or different levels of quality in an item. This is one way that we've reached so many people: Because there's always something new, customers have a reason to keep coming back!

4) Use incentives and discounts to entice new customers.

Another thing that helps us bring in new customers is offering discounts or incentives. We do this for a number of reasons: Because it's a great deal — and because it's the right thing to do. After all, we want our customers to be happy with what we provide them. If a customer comes in and spends $500 on something, they might not come back unless they get some kind of discount. Use incentives and discounts with your customers — but be sure that you always have in mind why you're doing so.

5) Ask for feedback.

To keep our customers happy, we offer generous refunds or exchange options if they don't love the item they purchased. We also ask them for feedback on everything we do. It's a simple rule: If they have something to say, we want to be the first to know. This way, we can address their concerns (for example, if they bought something that turned out to be defective), or get their input on something new (like a proposed new design).

6) Be open and honest.

We always tell our customers the truth — even if it's not what they want to hear. We don't want people coming into our store if we can't give them what they need — because everyone knows that when a customer is disappointed with something, there's every chance she won't come back again. Sure, we might not know what the problem is — but we do have a duty of care to our customers, and the best way to be sure that the problem gets fixed is to be honest about it. We ask them for their opinion on everything, and because of that, we receive a lot of feedback on how our business can improve.

If you want your business to thrive and grow, give these things a try!

7) Be a person they can trust.

As far as business goes, you're what your customers see when they look at you. Make sure that you're being professional at all times — and remember, in the eyes of your customers you're a person, not an organization. Make it easy for them to communicate with you via email or the phone. The more personal they feel in their dealings with your organization, the more likely they are to come back. Show them that they can trust you and they'll be happy to do it again!

8) Be a trustworthy brand.

Some brands are just not that trustworthy. With ours, people know that we'll stand behind what we do: We deliver quality all the time. This means that when a customer comes in to our store, they can shop knowing that they're going to get what they want and love, every time. If you deliver on your promises, you're going to be building up a nice little reputation as a brand people can trust. And if someone likes doing business with you, there's a good chance she's going to tell her friends about it!

9) Offer customization options.

If you have an item that customers can customize — even by just picking out their own color or size — this is likely to attract them to your brand and make them more loyal customers. Because they'll see you as a person who cares about them and their needs, they'll be more likely to come back again and again.

10) Be communicative, helpful and patient!

When it comes right down to it, people buy from their friends — not some anonymous organization. With this in mind, be friendly, patient and helpful to your customers at all times. When they get in touch with you, offer to answer any questions they have or chat with them online if the particular skills of your staff fall short of what a customer needs. If you don't find out about the problem until later on, try not to be angry.


As much as possible, be a person they can trust — and they'll gladly return to your store again and again.

PS. We do offer financial help to those who need it. Just fill in this simple form, if you're one of them.

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