Tips For Designing An Effective Business Card


 Tips For Designing An Effective Business Card

You're going to be meeting a lot of people in your career. If you want to impress, make sure your business cards are designed with a professional touch... so it's not just any old card you passed out at the last event. Business cards can be designed for the attention-grabbing effect that will grab the attention of those in charge - or for the simple design that is easy to read and doesn't take up much space. From invitations and flyers, to email marketing pieces and social media campaigns - business cards can have an enormous impact on how others see you. As such, they're worth taking time over. Here are some tips for getting started.
10 Tips For Designing An Effective Business Card
1. Get your name in front of as many people as possible - You want your name to be the first thing employers see when they look at your resume, and a business card is an affordable way to do that. Business cards are so easy to distribute. Hand them out at every opportunity, and make sure you have one handy wherever you may go.
2. Pick a simple design - It's tempting to get creative, but you'll want to stick with something simple that sends the right message about your business - particularly if you're a young entrepreneur just getting started with your company or new in the field.
3. Keep the layout simple - If you're using a regular card, use an easy to read layout. If you're designing a 3-D one, there's little point in investing hours in intricacies; make it as straightforward as possible so it reads easily.
4. Keep things clean - Old fashion can work just fine. Don't go over the top with embellishments and textures. A clean and simple design will put your name clearly in front of people's minds and let them know how important your business is to you. 6
5. Keep it simple - There are no rules when it comes to business cards. Some people like to go nuts with the type and effect (think of them as personal advertising pieces) while others like a very simple layout. It all depends on the design you're going for and what you want your business card to say about you.
7. Use images, print and colours to your advantage - To create a memorable business card, make use of different, creative graphics that help tell people about the company or you. You can also use these graphics in your marketing campaigns for everything from blogging to email newsletters, Twitter marketing, etc.
8. Use accents and textures - These small details can really make a card design pop off the page.


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