To Hype or Not to Hype?


 To Hype or Not to Hype?

The best way to approach a product is with an unbiased opinion (although we all know this isn’t always the case) and that’s what we are going to do here. We are going to take a look at whether or not hype can backfire on a brand and how marketers use it as well as when they should avoid using it.

The use of hype is a common marketing strategy. Before trying to decipher whether or not it works, let’s take a look at what hype is. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as “the act or method of arousing widespread interest and excitement about something” or “an exceptional degree of interest and excitement among people”.

Marketers use this strategy to grab the attention of their audience and increase brand awareness by making people excited about a new product without giving them anymore information than they would need to get the excitement they want. By doing so, marketers can create a buzz around their product that can lead to increased sales when the product comes out.

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