Top 5 Google Adwords Campaign Mistakes


 Top 5 Google Adwords Campaign Mistakes

An unfortunate mistake of small business owners is not considering the fact that small businesses don't have the same range of resources as large companies. Part of learning how to use Google Adwords effectively is understanding these mistakes and learning to avoid them, or at least mitigate the damage they cause.

1. Not planning out your campaign
If you're starting from a blank slate, it's easy to fall into a trap where you're sending ads out without thinking about what keywords your ad will be targeting or which campaigns it'll be using, but this can really hurt your conversion rates and make achieving financial success difficult. When creating your campaign, make sure that you have an idea for what keywords are relevant for targeted searches (e.g. if you're selling organic dog food, you might target "organic dog food" or "natural pet food", etc) and what campaign structure you'll use. There are several types of campaigns that you can use, so make sure to choose the right one to get the best results. An important component of your campaign is choosing which ad group to place each keyword in and setting a budget for each group. This will help you spend your money more wisely and keep track of your performance easily.
Finally, once you've rewritten your ads to be effective at drawing in clickers, it's important to test them against each other (e.g. which line out of three is converting best?). This is where running different ad groups will come in handy, as you can decide which one is performing the best and then scale up that ad group, and downsize the others.
The most important part of planning out your campaign is understanding how to get people to convert (e.g. if they click on your ad, do they end up buying your product). This is a more difficult problem than it seems, but if you're willing to put in the effort, you'll get there eventually.

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