Top 5 Google Adwords Campaign Mistakes


 Top 5 Google Adwords Campaign Mistakes

According to the Google Adwords blog, there are five common mistakes made by those running ads on Google. These are the most basic mistakes that can be made and people should know these and avoid them.

Mistake 1: Not using keywords in your ad - The advertisers that do this probably don’t know how search engine optimization (SEO) techniques work which will hurt their campaign in a big way.
Mistake 2: Optimizing your site for different countries - This is a mistake because an advertiser will only get charged when someone clicks on their advertisement. This is a big mistake because you are trying to optimize your site for a specific country and you want to get traffic from that country. If you optimize your site for different countries, your click through rate (CTR) will be low because people from other countries won’t see it and won’t click on it.
The solution: make changes to your account so that you are only showing ads in the country where your target audience is located.
Mistake 3: Not using call extensions or call out extensions - This advertises the number of a business verbally which can help people find your company if they can’t find it by typing in the name. Even if they can find it by typing in the name of your company, this gives them a way to contact you that is easy and keywords don’t have to be used for searching it.
That means someone could be searching for “Cool company” but you might only be showing up on searches for “cool company near me.” If people search for specific things that don’t include your keywords, then you won’t show up in their searches even though they may be looking to buy something.
The solution: use call extensions or call out extensions in your ads so people can contact you easily without having to type anything.
Mistake 4: Not using sitelinks - This can be used to show links to other pages on your website. They are a good way to show people that you have more information about a certain product or service.
The solution: try creating sitelinks in Google’s Adwords Editor so that you can use them in your campaign.
Mistake 5: Not getting Ad extensions - Extensions are when you add extra information about your business in the ad itself which is seen by those who click on it and go onto your website. It’s a good way to let people know that you have gift certificates, coupons or that you offer free shipping if any of these are offered on your site.
The solutions: try creating ad extensions in Google Adwords Editor or you can use call extensions, sitelinks and product listing ads if your site is being shown in the “Shopping” area of Google.

This is a very basic mistake made by advertisers who don’t know how to optimize their campaign properly. They don’t think about what keywords are doing for their business and they are not using those keywords in their adverts. This leads to a lessened click through rate (CTR) because if people search for something that includes the keyword your ad includes, they will not see it unless they search specifically for your company name or some other related keyword that may be used by potential customers.
If you have a website in your campaign that is optimized for several countries, the CTR will be low because people from those countries won’t see your ad. People in other countries may see it but they may not click on it because they know they aren’t a target audience.
This means that people who search for keywords related to your business won’t see your adverts at all when they are actually looking to buy something.
The solution is to use call extensions or call out extensions so people can contact you easily by phone when looking for what you are selling. This can be used to prevent the user from having to type a full name or address into a search engine which means they may not have been able to find it in the first place.
The best solution is to use sitelinks because these are links directly related to your website where people can learn more about what you have to offer. They are a great way to make potential customers curious about what you are selling so that they will click on your ad and go onto your site.
Sitelinks don’t cost anything extra but they do take extra time and effort to create which is why many people who don’t know how to make them will just skip them altogether.
Call extensions and ad extensions are used if you want to make your phone number, website address, coupons or gift certificates available to potential customers. It’s a good idea to include these in your ad so that it is easy for them to find out how to contact you or what you have to offer without doing any extra work.
Ad extensions can be used if your site is in the “Shopping” section of Google and if it isn’t, then you will need to use sitelinks and call extensions instead of ad extensions.
The best solution is to use each of these ad extensions together. They can all be used and they are a great way to get more traffic to your website.

A lot of these tactics require that your website is set up correctly so that it can be searched by people using the “Shopping” section in Google. If your site isn’t showing up in the search results, then you should look at making changes to it so that it does show up there. It may take a little time and effort but if you want more customers, this will help you get them.

Local SEO is a different kind of local marketing because it makes sure that your website shows up higher on search results in the “Shopping” section of Google. This is done by making sure that your phone number, address and hours are correct as well as making sure that you have business hours set up properly. It’s also important to make sure your website is optimized for mobile devices so it can show up on cell phones when people are looking for businesses in the area where they live.
If your site is being shown in the “Shopping” section of Google, then you will be able to get more customers.


The above descriptions are only a few of the mistakes that can be made by advertisers who don’t know what they are doing when they are trying to get more customers by making changes to their local marketing campaigns. It’s also important to know that each of these tactics should be used as part of an overall business plan because they will have to be done together if you want to produce results.
These tactics will help you get more customers but you should also try getting different customers and use special discounts so that it’s easier for the ones who do come through your doors to buy from you. This will give them a reason to keep coming back and eventually become full buyers from you.

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