Trying out Adsdaq on - Part 1


 Trying out Adsdaq on - Part 1

I am trying out Adsdaq on - Part 1.

"What is adsdaq?" you might ask, "what is this website?"
Well, my friend, let me tell you!

Trying out Adsdaq on - Part 4 !!!
A little more than a week ago I signed up for the two-week trial subscription of

I have been fairly busy with work for the past month, so I didn't get to spend as much time in the forums as I had hoped. Blogger is really useful for reading up on other people's experiences with web analytics. I was able to find this thread posted by Andrew Roberts, who had just tested out adsdaq on a real website that he built. He had a lot of information that convinced me that adsdaq was worth trying out (see: Trying out Adsdaq on - Part 4 A little more than a week ago I signed up for the two-week trial subscription of have been fairly busy with work for the past month, so I didn't get to spend as much time in the forums as I had hoped. Blogger is really useful for reading up on other people's experiences with web analytics. I was able to find this thread posted by Andrew Roberts, who had just tested out adsdaq on a real website that he built. He had a lot of information that convinced me that adsdaq was worth trying out (see: Part 1 ).
I found it interesting that Andrew Roberts seemed to have a very high impression of the product and he seemed certain about many aspects. So, I decided to set up adsdaq on my website. It was quite easy actually:
1. Go to the support section and paste " Webicy " in the search box at the top right of the page.
2. The support page opens with a page titled " How To Sign Up For A Free Trial ". Verify that you are logged in, and click on the " sign up now " button in the bottom right corner. (Others have reported that they had to first create an account before being able to sign up for a trial). 3. Fill out your details (and note that you'll need your e-mail address; if you don't have one it will be created automatically). 4. Fill out the required details. 5. If you choose to make a donation, you'll be given an e-mail address where you can send the payment. I suppose that I could have just gone ahead and signed up for a subscription but decided to make the donation instead. Let's just say that after three weeks of usage adsdaq has paid for itself already... !!!
6. You're done! You should receive an e-mail confirmation within 24 hours, and your trial will start with your next days' log in.
In conclusion: A good value-for-money way to give adsdaq a test drive! Despite my enthusiasm, I made sure not to get too hyped up about it.

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