Trying out Adsdaq on - Part 1


 Trying out Adsdaq on - Part 1

In today's digital society, it is rare one can go without hearing about ads. Ads have found their way into almost every nook and cranny of modern day life- from the headlines at your morning newspaper to the TV show you're watching in a commercial break. For many, ads are not only responsible for informing them as to what is happening locally or nationally but also for providing an income for themselves. Webicy affiliate network has partnered with ad exchanges like Adsdaq to make these advertisers' jobs easier by allowing them access from a single online interface. 

In this article, I'll be walking you through how to set up your first campaign using the Adsdaq app on Webicy's platform. Adsdaq is a video ad exchange that allows you to purchase ads directly in real-time by choosing the geographic region, as well as targeting based on gender, interest and audience type. For this particular article I'm going to be focusing on a campaign featuring the education vertical. 

On the Webicy platform, there are four main steps required to start an ad campaign:
Creating an account:- You'll need an account to start advertising with Adsdaq or any other exchange or app inside of Webicy. 
Once logged into your account, you'll want to click on your website's name at the top of the page and then click on Settings. 
Activating your Website,- The Webicy system will take over now and redirect you to a page that will look like this. 
On this page, you'll want to scroll left until you see the section titled "Activate your website." 
In order for Adsdaq and Webicy to connect up, once your website is active, Adsdaq's system will mate you with the relevant services needed for them to work together. As such, on this page you'll see "Activate Adsdaq integration." Now click on it.
Connecting up Sites - Open the site in your web browser. Now head over to your website HTML site through the File Manager tool.
Your job now is to upload the JSON file provided by onto your web site. The JSON file can be found at ( Once you open it, you'll need to copy the entire text inside and paste it into the blank spaces in the File Manager tool under "Activate Adsdaq integration". Click here for a screen shot of where this field is located: 
Now click on Search and look for "adsdaq", then click on Adsdaq's name when you've found it.
Once you've found, click on the JavaScript tab and upload the JSON file to this page by pasting it into "Upload File URL" shown below:
Once you've uploaded the file, click on Search again and find in the results list. Click on its name and then click on View Site Code (this is where you'll see's code when clicked). 
If you scroll down to the bottom of the screen, you'll see the relevant code. In the above example, I've color coded it so that it's easier to follow along with. You'll need to place Adsdaq's code onto your site in one of two areas: The first place is between <body> and </body>. 
The other spot is right under </head>. 
Make sure that you don't remove any existing codes because both systems require them in order to work together. After adding the code and saving this page, you're done! Your set up is complete! 
Congratulations on activating Adsdaq on Webicy! Now let's move onto the next step- creating a campaign.
Creating a Campaign - To start, you need to log into Adsdaq. Adsdaq offers both a desktop and an iOS app to allow you to do this. Logging in with your Webicy account information is free and takes approximately 30 seconds. 
Once you've logged in, look for the navigation menu along the left hand side of the screen and click on "Create Campaign." 
The next step is to choose your campaign type. Type in "Video" into the search bar at the top of the page and click on "Video Campaigns" when it appears.
The next step is to choose how many days of data that you'll be making available for advertising on your site. In this case, I'm going to choose 100. 
Then you'll need to choose the duration of which your ads will run on your site. In this example, I've chosen 7 days. 
I've chosen my age range as 18-35 because my site targets young adults who are still in school and actively looking for a university or college to attend. I've also made sure to choose a start and end time zone of GMT+1 since my page is hosted in Stuttgart, Germany.
The next step is to set up your budget, which is $0. This will determine how much money you're willing to spend in order to run your ads on Webicy. 
Click "Save" when done and you're done! 
Now let's move onto the last step- creating a campaign on itself. For this part, I'll be working from my iPad- but you can use your laptop or desktop computer if you prefer as well.
Just log back into Webicy and click on the "Campaigns" tab at the top of the page. Once there, click on "Create Campaign.”
We'll start by naming our campaign and choosing which website we want to place it on. 
Next, we'll choose the time frame for when the ads will run. This time we'll choose 6 days instead of 7. 
Now I've chosen my age range again- 18-35- along with gender: male/female since I'm targeting a very specific audience. 
I've also clicked on "location" because I want to make sure that my ads are only shown to people who live in Europe or the Americas if at all possible and of course, if they are relevant to what Webicy is offering them. 
For my interest targeting, I've chosen "education.”
Now I've chosen "targeting" and set my targeting window to a period of 2 months. I've chosen "interested in education," but you can choose whatever interests you. 
I've also filled out all of the other fields as requested. Click on "Save and Print Poster," then click on "Pull Ads" at the bottom of the page. 
This is what it looks like on your desktop:
And this is what it looks like with your iPad:
After clicking on both of these links, you'll see a series of results. In this example, I'll be using adsdaq.


This guide provided the basics in setting up your adwords account and Adsdaq campaign(s). Remember that you can use this guide as a reference point and adapt it to your specific needs. If you have any questions or if you need further help in setting up your Adsdaq account, contact us. We're always excited to get started with our partners and help them grow their business.

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