Turn that Yearning Button ON


 Turn that Yearning Button ON

Did you know that desire has a definite physiological function? It's an urge to take some kind of action, now! The anticipation stage where we picture how it will all work out is called the "yearning button". And what do we want for ourselves? I'll tell you:

• Peace of mind and better health
• To be treated with respect and dignity
• To have abundant opportunities for growth and celebration, to receive new challenges in life, and to share our wisdom with others. 
Now, these are not small things. They're big things. But they're also baby steps. And I don't know about you, but I'm ready to take those steps!
What do you want to do with your yearning button? In this article I'd like to offer some suggestions on how to find what you love, what you're passionate about. How can we avoid the traffic jams on the road of life? Where will we find more happiness and fulfillment for ourselves?
But before I start, let me clear up one thing: A lot of people are confused about happiness. They think that it comes from outside of them. From money, a job opportunity or maybe a romantic partner.

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