Types Of Paper In Catalog Printing


 Types Of Paper In Catalog Printing

You might not know it, but there are 4 common types of paper used in catalog printing. Let’s take a moment to briefly go over them and what they’re good for.

The first type of paper, uncoated board, is perfect for catalogs that see lots of wear and tear or frequent use. It can withstand being handled frequently without the ink wearing off and the pages tearing easily.

The second type of paper is coated heavy stock. This is one of the more popular types in catalog printing because it provides a smooth finish, resists ink from wearing off through handling and tears easier than other papers.

The third type of paper is coated cover paper. This is the thinnest paper out of all 4, but is also one of the most prestigious. Coated cover can have a glossy or matte finish, depending on what you and your catalog printer are going for.

The final type of paper is the most basic and plain: uncoated text without a finish. This isn’t used as often in catalog printing because it doesn’t have many added benefits over uncoated board, however it still has its uses. [ARTICLE END]

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