Under The Radar Advertising Strategy That Pull Sales All Day Long!


 Under The Radar Advertising Strategy That Pull Sales All Day Long!

Under the Radar Advertising Strategy That Pulls Sales All Day Long!

"I know my business needs to advertise, but I don't have a lot of money," says a small-time entrepreneur. 
Adding to their under the radar advertising strategy can be a simple solution. It won't cost much and could pull sales all day long. 
Hidden in plain sight is all it takes to get your business seen by millions of people and drive traffic to your site 24/7. You don't need the expensive overhead or employees needed for outbound marketing campaigns such as: direct mail, phone calls, print ads, billboards and TV commercials.
The basic strategy is to pull people into your website through Facebook advertising and then send them directly to your site for purchase. The larger your list, the more money you will make. Facebook advertising is a very inexpensive way to generate new customers and engage those who may have previously found you on Google AdWords.
Here's how:
Set up an account on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ads/manager/ .  Log in with your personal Facebook account and make sure that there are no fake pages with names like "Facebook Fan Pages" or "Facebook Business Pages".    Set a monthly budget of $10 to $20 USD.  When you reach your daily goal of approximately 180 clicks, you can add "close" as a secondary action and engage the visitor. The closer you are to your ideal customer, the more likely they will be to buy from you.  Click "Add Insights" link and see what pages have been successful recently.  Click on the page name for more information about the page. Click the "Ads" tab in the upper right hand corner and then click on "Manage Ads".   You will see all ads running on Facebook at this point in time and where you can review who saw them by location or age group.  Click here to open the "Ad Copy Manager" where you can change your ad copy.  Make sure that you include a call to action such as: "Like Us", Add To Your Friend's List, Sign Up For Our E-mail List, or Visit our Website.  Check out the other ads being conducted on Facebook and make sure that your ad sounds like it is being done by a real business or organization. You may have to adjust your dollar amount or even add a few new ads to get your desired results because much of Facebook's revenue is based on advertising prices. The "Advertiser" setting in Facebook allows you to set up many different types of advertising campaigns and generate revenue from many different sources. Click here to set up your first advertising campaign.    To download this free Facebook app, go to: https://apps.facebook.com/ads/manager/
At the very bottom of the page it says "You are here" and then click on that link: "Enter your email address and select 'Get the App'".  After you download the app, install it and log into your existing Facebook account.  Then return to this Facebook page where you will have access to all of your Facebook accounts including pages, groups, events and ads at one place. You can do an analysis of who is viewing or engaging with your ads by country, language or general location by clicking on the "Audience Targeting".  If you choose the "Locality" option, you will see a detailed breakdown of the demographic breakdown of people viewing your ads.  You can click on each person to see their interests, age and gender.  If you select the "Age" function, you can also segment your audience or create custom audience groups by age.  Not every person will be included in this section and may still see ads that do not match their desired demographics.   You can determine if someone is a fit for your ad by looking at their profile picture, who they are following and what websites they are visiting . I now recommend that you view all of your other Facebook pages located under http://www.facebook.com/pages. You may have pages that you have not looked at in a while.  It is a great way to generate additional income and attract new customers to your site.  When you see an ad on your wall, do not be alarmed or even surprised.  People who know you and trust you may open your wall page by clicking on the "Like" button near the top of the page or they may simply sign up for your e-mail list or receive your newsletter through Facebook messaging.
When you have found a useful, informative article on Facebook, quickly click on the "Share" function in the upper left hand corner of the article and then click "More".  You will see a few options to share or liked it.  Click on the "Follow" option and then click the "Share Via Page" button in the second row.  Now you can start engaging with people who are interested in that particular article.
The clock does not start until you click "Like".
After you like an article, your friends may like your post as well.  So be sure to check on a regular basis.  If you are not getting as many "Likes" as you would like, try to engage more people in your wall post by adding more comments, filling out the form at the bottom of the article or even tweeting it using your Twitter account.  This encourages visitors to stay longer on your site in the hope that they will find another useful article.
This is an example of an advertisement for a software program being advertised on Facebook:
Now for $10 USD monthly you can get access to 1000s of new customers and engage them in conversations about how to complete your offer or purchase from your website.  This is a great way to generate new business from your website and also to gain valuable customer feedback.  I know there are other ways to use Facebook for facebook fans but this is faster and easier for me.  I hope that you find this useful.  Please leave your comments with questions or suggestions. Copyright © 2016 David Bikle, CPA Disclaimer: I am not a professional financial advisor or accountant and nothing in this article should be interpreted as financial or legal advice.


1.  I've updated this article with new information since originally written. I'm still a big fan of the Facebook platform for free marketing and conservatively estimate it to be a conservative 7% return on investment for the average network marketer.
2.  The idea of Facebook as an SECRET tool is not just a pipe dream of "haters" but is actually very real as many people make money in less public ways without anyone knowing that they're making money at all.
3.  At this point, I would say that using Facebook outside the U.S.

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