Unlimited traffic and backlinks!


 Unlimited traffic and backlinks!

Are you a Freelancer? Are you trying to make and extra buck or simply need the traffic for your blog?  The answer is simple, Traffic and Backlinks! There are tons of websites out there that will pay huge money for visitors. If you have a website but no company name or brand, then this post can help. This article will show you where to find these sources of affiliate marketing, how to know if they are legit and what shady tactics some freelancers use in order to get your money. So take a break from writing endless emails with your current adsense earnings and read up on what we've got handy for ya.

Step 1: Finding traffic and backlinks
Depending on which niche you are in, finding sources for traffic will be much easier. For example if you are in the online gaming world, there are tons of websites that will pay you to post a sign up form to their website. This is normally the best way of getting paid because the amount of visitors they send you will increase your conversion rate. If your looking for other ways such as surveys and articles, then research will be needed.

Step 2: Sign up for Backlink exchange
There are tons of websites out there that pay money to enter their links. We will use Google as an example in this case. When you find a website with a blogroll and choose it, you will see the page where the company links to other websites. On this page, you can find every link they have on their blogroll and decide which ones you want to do. Don't worry about negative links as many companies tell you not to focus on them, but we don't care if they are positive or negative. The more backlinks you have the better. Just make sure you don't copy the entire link or figure out a way to get other people to do the work without getting caught.

Step 3: Building Traffic
You should be able to find many different sources of building traffic. There is no real secret here, just make creative ads and use keywords that are related to your niche. Make sure not to spam you visitors and send them to places where they will not want to go back to or where they'd rather not buy from just for traffic. Doing this will harm your reputation, and the company will be less likely to pay you.

Step 4: Earning money!
Well now that you've built up traffic, you need to make some money. The best way I've found to do this is using a quality affiliate program. There are tons of sites out there that offer good products and give affiliates a very good deal on earnings. Just make sure to test them out before you buy anything so that you know they're legit and won't cause any harm to your computer.

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-One Minute Marketing Guys-
The One Minute Marketing Guys are a small group of experts who have worked together for years.

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