Useful tips and forms of advertising


 Useful tips and forms of advertising

The following are some useful tips to help you make the most of your advertising and promotional campaigns. Advertising is not just about blasting an advertisement out and seeing what sticks, there’s a lot more that goes into it than just making something as big, loud, or flashy as possible. If you're trying to figure out how to get the biggest bang for your buck with your advertising campaign - this guide might help you!

We hope we have helped give some insight on what forms of advertising can be used and the benefits they may have for those who use them. If you are still confused after reading this guide, feel free to contact a member of our team who can help you.

Claim your Banner and/or Signage: The first step in any advertising campaign is placing your advertisement. It is imperative that you take great care in the placement of your advertisement so that it does not interfere with other users and does not annoy them or make them feel uncomfortable about using their space. A sign placed above a user's head, for example, may just be blocked by their hood or hat. A banner placed near your entrance is most likely going to block a portion of the screen for any users coming in or out. If you place an advertisement on a surface that is meant to be functional, such as on a table or door, it will most likely reduce the usability of that surface. A good rule of thumb is to keep your advertisement above eye level, so that it does not interfere with users’ ability to see the world around them and their ability to interact with other players.

A prime example of good sign location would be our exit sign located just inside our main entry point. It allows us to advertise our services without being obtrusive in any way.

Advertising in-game vs. advertising on Reddit: Advertising via Reddit is the easiest and most direct way to get your advertisement out to the entire server. /r/homeserveradvertising is one of our best sources for promotion, as it gives us an opportunity to reach out to other homeservers not yet familiar with us or who may be looking to branch out from their current homeserver. Advertising in game is also a great way to promote your server due to the fact that you can show off your server in real time, being able to directly interact with users who are currently online and see your advertisement whenever they are walking by.

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