Website Marketing- Pixel Page Advertising - The hottest advertising craze on the internet


 Website Marketing- Pixel Page Advertising - The hottest advertising craze on the internet

Pixel Page Advertising is hot, HOT, HOT!

Websites are the number one way people find businesses and services. And through website marketing- also know as PPA, website owners can get their sites seen by more potential customers and make more sales. PPA is a very cost effective way to advertise on the internet. In fact it can be up to 200 times less expensive than other advertising methods like TV commercials or newspaper print ads.
I want to show you how you can use PPA to generate more traffic to your website and boost your sales.

Website marketing is a free service that places advertising on other peoples websites. When website visitors click on your link, they are taken to the advertiser's web page.
When someone clicks on one of your ads, it is known as an impression. Google tracks page views and impressions, then pays you a small amount per click (also known as CPC or cost per click). You do not need to sell anything or even have a product for sale, just simply click the link with keywords related to your business or service and promote yourself.
When you are writing your ad it is essential that you avoid high risk keywords so that your ad does not get flagged as spam by Google Adsense. You can use Google's free keyword tool to find out which keywords and phrases are most searched for in the local search universe. These are the very same keywords and phrases you want people to search for, when they click on your ad ad copy.
You can post up to 10 different ads on a website for every 1,000 page views made. You earn a fraction of a cent per page view so it is important not to give away too many cents if you want to do this correctly. The more impressions per day the more money you earn money .
You earn this money in two ways. First you get paid every time someone clicks on the ad copy (Imposition) and second you will be paid when they purchase your product or service.
Ads are usually purchased in blocks of 1000 impressions or 1 month's worth of impressions. It is very important that you do not over buy your ads, because if Google detects any bad behaviour by your website, including excessive clicks on a single ad, or near as dammit 1000 clicks one day from a single ad, you could have your advertisements removed from their system and lose all of your earnings for the entire block!
PPA is hot!
Pixel Page Advertising is one of the hottest advertising methods to date.
You can make $100 per day in your spare time.
It is a legitimate way to earn extra money online.
Businesses and services that have a website can make as much as $2000 per month or more, just by posting their ads on other peoples websites.
There is free advertising for businesses and services on Google Adsense, Yahoo web traffic and other advertising co-op advertising sites.
With PPA your business will be seen by thousands of people each month and you will start making sales from all over the world very quickly.
In the next few articles I will show you how I work my business so that you can learn how to promote yourself successfully on the internet.
I will give you the exact process that I use and show you the exact software that I use.
The software that I am using is PPC (pay per click) Advertising Software, TrafficSpider Pro and Google Adsense . There many other programs out there but one of these three will do just fine. [ARTICLE END]
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The question is: can that be true? Can someone really make $100 / day online easily?
In this post I am going to show you how you can indeed make more than $100 per day by just running a simple ad system very similar to Google Adsense. And if you are one of those people who think that the Internet is only for gamers, or perhaps people who like to chat with strangers all around the world, or perhaps those who really like to sit in front of their computer screens and watch TV, then it's time for you to change your minds and step in the right direction. Because believe me, the Internet is really worth give a try!
I will show you how I'm generating an extra income of $600 - $1000 / month just in my free time. And to make it even better, everything I'm doing is legal   and it won't take you much time at all.
The best thing about this system is that you don't need a product or service to sell to make money online. You just simply promote yourself, write some ads and let Google do the rest for you . If you don't know what Google Adsense ads looks like, then please visit my blog post here .
The technique I am describing in this article is called PPA - Pixel Page Advertising . It involves placing a link to your business or service on other peoples websites and then promote yourself for free.
How Does PPA Work?
When website visitors click on your link, they are taken to the advertiser's web page. When someone clicks on one of your ads, it is known as an impression. Google tracks page views and impressions, then pays you a small amount per click (also known as CPC or cost per click). You do not need to sell anything or even have a product for sale, just simply click the link with keywords related to your business or service and promote yourself.
You can post up to 10 different ads on a website for every 1,000 page views made. You earn a fraction of a cent per page view so it is important not to give away too many cents if you want to do this correctly. The more impressions per day the more money you earn .
If your business is already successful, then you will be able to make a lot of money from PPA. Otherwise your business may even start losing money because Google Adsense will take all the profit from your website and rather than paying you directly, they will pay you via their advertising partner which pays much less than what you would have made by yourself.


You can earn $100 - $1000 per month just by promoting yourself. It aint rocket science! All you have to do is to like other peoples websites with keywords related to your business and place ads for yourself on them. Sounds easy? And I will explain how in the next article.
If you want to test this out for yourself then here is a simple process that will allow you to do so .
1) Go here and register a new account with Google Adsense. Make sure that you're selected as an "Advertiser". 2) Once your account is approved, click on the "My Ads" tab at the top right of your page.

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