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##Problem Statements: Is college worth the cost?

College tuition costs are going up every year while the average salary continues to decrease. So what can we do? Should I go to college or should I try to get a job right now? These are questions that my peers and I have been asking lately. There are many different factors that go into deciding whether it is worth going to college or not.

##Thesis Statement: High school is going to be the most awesome experience of my life!

It seems like every year there is a new report which concludes that "high school was not an awesome time"or "I wish it hadn't lasted as long as it did". I believe that High School 2007 might just be the most epic time ever. It will be fun, exciting, meaningful and possibly life changing. I believe that I am going to have a great time at High School 2007.

I have been thinking about my high school years for a long time. I have been through my freshman, sophomore and junior years and now I am a senior. I have come to realize that high school is not all about the good looking girls or cool parties, but also about learning and growing as an individual and as a member of society. I think that high school is important and everyone will agree with me when they see the list of advantages that come with getting an education. One advantage is that you can skip the standard classes such as Math, English and Science during college because you already took those classes during high school. Another advantage is that high school teaches you a lot of real life skills such as public speaking, studying skills, time management and problem solving. If you did not know any of these things in highschool you will learn them when you are in college classes.

Also, being in a small setting forces me to understand myself more and this understanding helps me to solve my problems and continue on with life. I have come across many struggles while going through high school but I was able to realize that it's all part of growing up and learning. If I didn't experience those struggles then I wouldn't be who I am today.

In my own opinion, high school is definitely not going to be the most boring experience of my life. It is going to be full of excitement and hopefully fun. There will be many highlights which I'm not going to talk about because that would probably ruin the surprises. There may even be some people who will hate high school but I don't think so. I would rather have people hate me then think that I don't like or appreciate anything because they are just jealous or "have issues".

I believe that high school 2007 is going to be a great year with lots of memories and great experiences. I hope for a Happy New Year. Stay tuned for more.

##Problem Statement: What should we do in this Economy?

I would have to say that the economy is kind of bad right now. With everything going on in the world I think it is safe to say that this economy is not in good condition. The reason why I think that it is not in good condition because there was a high rate of credit card fraud, unemployment was high and oil prices were going up to record breaking numbers and on top of all of this people are very agitated about the availability of jobs and are constantly watching sports coverage and looking at their friends jobs to see if they are hiring. This was very difficult because there have been a lot of people out of work and it is hard to find a job that will help you live off of. The reason why I think that jobs haven't picked up is because most middle aged people are out of work. This is a big problem because their has been no development for the past year and there still isn't anything on the market that will help get this economy back on track. The only thing we can do to get our economy back in good shape is create more jobs for everyone. If we don't create more jobs then this economy will never be able to get better. We have to let everyone in college know that they need to go, do their best and get a job. If not all of us are going to be able to live off of a minimum wage job then our economy will never recover.

##Thesis Statement: Where Did I Get My Smartness?

I was just wondering where I got my smartness from and then I realized that I am actually very smart because I think deep thoughts and I am also very open minded. Most people are just like robots and don't think about things or start pondering about things well after they think someone else has already thought about it. That is what makes me so different than most people. Most of the people that I know are very closed minded and don't even think about things after they have already thought about it.

##Thesis Statement: How is the Transpacific Partnership (TPP) going to affect us?

The Trans Pacific Partnership(TPP) is a trade agreement that is currently being negotiated between 12 countries (US, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Vietnam) and will be implemented once all countries agree on what rules should be made. The TPP was created because other countries were not able to agree on rules for trade which resulted in many tariffs being placed on products like corn from certain countries or a wide variety of protectionist measures. The TPP is one of the first steps to implement the Doha Round of trade talks and it is expected that the TPP will help boost free trade between countries and reduce tariffs. Tariffs are forms of taxes that are placed on products that are imported from another country. The TPP is considered a big step in making sure our businesses have access to these markets because there would be less taxes on our products. However, it is still not clear if free trade will be possible and everyone should watch what happens with the US with NAFTA and see how these negotiations go. Here is a link to an article from The New Zealand Herald: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=10865303

##Thesis Statement: How is the Iraq War going?

I would have to say that the war in Iraq has been going pretty good. These past 3 years have been good and very productive in terms of both the human and financial aspects of the war. We have been able to destroy 100% of their weapons, give millions of people an education, rebuild Iraq into a well functioning country. I think that this war has gone as we had predicted it would; however, I think it is controversial because if we had not used any force there would not be such a big problem with terrorism today.

Conclusion: I believe that we need to continue our efforts in Iraq. We need to keep supporting the Iraqi people and continue to destroy their weapons and continue to build a strong country.

##Thesis Statement: What is the biggest problem with health care?

I think that health care is a very important issue because if we don't take care of ourselves than who will? I think that one of the biggest problems with health care right now is over-diagnosis. There are many people going to the doctor complaining that they feel sick or have pain when in reality they don't have anything wrong at all. There are a lot of pills and treatments being prescribed for people who do not even have anything wrong what so ever.

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