What are the Most Common Ways to Commit Identity Theft or Fraud


 What are the Most Common Ways to Commit Identity Theft or Fraud

Identity theft and fraud is a serious matter. It can take years to come to terms with the aftermath, and it can cost you tens of thousands of dollars to repair the damage. In order for you to make informed decisions about your identity security, here are some common ways identity theft may happen:

-Social Security Number: Identity thieves often steal someone's Social Security Number then use it as their own. This is normally done when someone obtains an employment background check or a credit report; they may even find our information in your garbage! The IRS reports that over 750 people had their personal information stolen during this most recent tax season alone.

-Phishing: This is a large-scale attempt at identity theft. Not only does it present itself as an official form from a government agency (IRS, DOJ, etc.) but it often sounds well thought out. These emails request your personal information and will often even include links that look legitimate.

-Bank/Credit Card Accounts: Identity thieves will gain access to your bank or credit card accounts by using your online banking username and password or simply stealing your ATM card if you leave it at home. Once the fraud has reared its ugly head, the damage is done and you are liable for all debts accrued on the account. If you have ever wondered if your bank is safe, look at the "Fraud Watch" rating of the institution. If it is one star or less, be extra cautious!

-Employment Background Checks: Identity thieves are often hired by employers to check the backgrounds of potential employees. These kinds of background checks require a lot of personal information and a Social Security Number is key to obtaining them. In order to avoid being targeted for fraudulent use, you should only give out essential information and never provide your SSN over the phone or via email.

-Credit Reports: Identity thieves can also get their hands on your credit report by in-person theft or through telephone scams/scams/scams. In some cases, you will receive a call from someone claiming they are from your credit card company or the IRS. The caller then asks you to confirm your personal information by providing them with your SSN or account number. You may also receive a call from someone claiming to be from your bank and asking you for information as well. Identity thieves can steal personal information by phishing and also by purchasing it on the black market.

When in doubt about identity theft, check out the FTC's page on identity theft . It is essential that we all take the necessary steps to protect ourselves against identity theft because it can leave us in debt for years to come. In some cases, you may even be put in prison for crimes you did not commit.

-When you hear about identity theft, try to gather as much information about the incident as possible. Ask the police for a police report, ask the credit reporting agencies to provide you with a list of methods they were used to obtain your information and ask them if they have updated any of that information since your identity has been stolen. If it was an employment background check, ask them what new precautions they are taking in order to prevent identity theft from this method.

-Report fraud to the companies that provide you with those services (IRS, welfare agency, credit card companies) and notify them once again this is an ongoing issue with their services.

-Make sure you always check your credit report, bank information and credit card statements on a regular basis. This will help you avoid identity theft because you will be able to catch instances of fraud early on.

-Be careful when visiting online forums and chatrooms. Be careful what personal information you share with complete strangers and never provide your SSN to anyone over the phone or via email unless absolutely necessary. If you are unsure about the legitimacy of a call or email that involves your SSN, hang up and call the number/email listed on your bank or credit card account instead.

-Protect your personal information. Protect your computer and Internet usage. Don't give out any personal information to anyone over the phone or via email that you don't know. If you are unsure, hang up and call the number/email listed on your bank or credit card account instead.

This article was written by a student at Eric's School of Business and Management, a program that customizes business education for each individual student to fit their needs and goals. Learn more about this unique, top-quality program here . SBM is a portion of Liberty University Online .

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Another excellent article by David Rice: 'A Christian Perspective on Terrorism' can be read here.

Another insightful article by David Rice: 'Beyond Islam and Christianity' can be found here.

See our full list of articles written by David Rice here.

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Quran Tabs Using Accordance Bible Software...

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Dear Reader,

Most of us have read and studied the Bible at one point in our lives. It contains hundreds of stories about God’s handiwork, including His dealings with mankind on earth. In fact, since we are a Christian ministry of liberty.com and love to teach about God’s Word more than anything else on our site we decided to dig even deeper into this wonderful book. This is how we came across Quran Tabs using Accordance Bible Software .

Accordance Bible Software comes with a free audio Bible (and New International Version of course), which you can use to read the Scriptures by hearing it speak to you. Accordance is also compatible with most other Bible versions on the market today and has an upgrade path for even more reliability, extra features, and updated translations. The verse numbering in Accordance is completely customizable and it comes pre-installed with many study notes that are very helpful when reading the Scriptures. In fact, it’s quite easy to get caught up in God’s Word even more than before because this software makes it so simple to read and understand His Word.


Accordance Bible Software is definitely everything you are looking for when it comes to learning God’s Word in a very user-friendly manner. If you’re on the fence about this software though, I would take a look at what others are saying about it on YouTube or even download a sample before committing to purchase. It can be extremely helpful to do this so you know exactly how this software works!

Related: Accordance Bible Software Home Page.

Have a great Sunday and we appreciate your visit here at Liberty University Online! Have a great day! Bon Voyage! Enjoy Your Trip... Thanks for visiting us here at Liberty University Online .

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